Bad Wolf

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The rise and fall of the Ninth begins and the Bad Wolf is asscending.


Annoying music flashed on, awakening the Doctor and causing him to panic. He found himself in a small cupboard that seemed to have no door leading to the outside world.

It spun around him as he tried to get up. "What is it? What's happening?" He felt like he had been spinning around forever, until he was finally freed by a young girl in her twenties.

"Oh, my God! I don't believe it! Why'd they put you in there? They never said you were coming." She rambled, helping the Doctor stand up.

"What happened? I was-" As soon as he stood up, he fell down again.

The girl was ready to help him up again. "Careful now. Oh! Oh, mind yourself! Oh, that's the transmat. It scrambles your head. I was sick for days. All right?" Finally, the Doctor was able to stand up on his own again. "So, what's your name then, sweetheart?"

While he was still very unsteady, he gave her an answer. "The Doctor, I think. I was, er. I don't know, what happened? How-"

"You got chosen." She smiled, becoming very excited.

He squinted in confusion. "Chosen for what?"

"You're a housemate. You're in the house." Her voice grew more animated, as if she were a fangirl. "Isn't that brilliant?!"

He scanned the room, noticing two other people standing by a TV. One was a tall, chav-ish young man and the other was a dark-skinned female. "That's not fair. We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine weeks, I've followed the rules, I haven't had a single warning, and then he comes swanning in." The man said, arguing with the group.

"If they keep changing the rules, I'm going to protest, I am. You watch me, I'm going to paint the walls." The woman protested.

Suddenly, a voice came through an intercom, addressing the Doctor. "Would the Doctor please come to the Diary Room?"

His eyes searched the room until they landed on a door with a stylised eye on it, telling him that he needed to go in there. He complied, heading inside and flopping down on a red, comfy chair.

"You are live on channel forty four thousand. Please do not swear." She instructed.

The Doctor couldn't believe where he was, he was on the TV show Big Brother. "You have got to be kidding"


Willow awoke on the floor, a strobing light trailed above her. They flashed every few seconds on a simultaneous loop. She was able to hear people in the background, talking to each other. Her head hurt like hell, as if someone had whacked her around the head.

Managing to get on my feet after constant agony, she searched her surroundings. This was definitely not the TARDIS, nor an alien planet. Everybody looked human, but they could be like the Doctor.

Beside her, on the floor, she spotted a familiar face. She softly grinned, relieved that she wasn't alone. Willow wandered over to her, shaking her awake. "Rose? Wake up."

"Willow?" She muttered, slowly opening her eyes. "What happened?"

An explanation for this occurrence was hard to find. "I'm not sure."

"It's all right. It's the transmat. Does your head in. Get a bit of amnesia." They both stared at a balding dark-skinned man, checking that they were alright and informing them of what had just happened. "What's your names?"

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