World War Three

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All of a sudden, the creature dropped the man out of the Slitheen's grasp as electricity spiralled across her body. Willow glanced back at the man who was now laying silently on the ground, dead.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before the three women ran out of the room to escape the creature.

They were almost halfway until Harriet stopped. "No, wait. They're still in there. The emergency protocols. We need them."

As she ran back to the Cabinet Room, Rose and Willow followed her back until the alien ran at them from within, causing them to withdraw. They ran as fast as their feet could take them, closing door after door but nothing could stop it.

Once they ran past a lift, the doors opened right by the Slitheen; it was the Doctor. The creature stopped and roared at the Doctor for a second, giving the women more time to escape. "Hello!" He said, sharing a quick smile with the ladies before heading to another floor.

They entered another room with a settee and a large drinks cabinet. "Hide!" Rose shouted as they all ran to different corners of the room. Willow ran to the curtains, hiding herself there, while Rose hid behind the cabinet and Harriet hid behind a screen.

The door creaks open, the creature wandering inside. "Oh, such fun." Her voice sounded creaky like someone with a cold. "Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humey-kins, come to me. Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big, green lips."

When the Slitheen's back was turned, Willow watched Rose sneak over to the curtain where she was hiding. The young girls huddled together, knowing that they would be found eventually.

Suddenly the door creaked open once more. "My brothers."

Willow's eyes widened, realising there was now more than one in the same room. "Happy hunting?" She heard one say.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear." Another one said.

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones." One of the male Slitheen said, edging closer to Harriet's position.

"And two ripe youngsters, all hormones and adrenalin. Fresh enough to bend before they snap." She heard her footsteps grow louder as she came closer to their hiding spot, Willow's breathing became heavy.

Then she pulled back the curtain, revealing them. Rose screamed as Willow closed her eyes, knowing that they were about to die.

"No!" Harriet shouted, exposing her position to the creatures. They turned around to glare at her. "Take me first! Take me!"

The door slammed open again, the Doctor ran in with a fire extinguisher. He blasted the creatures, leading them to escape from their hiding places to safety. Rose pulled the curtain over one of the creatures as the girls ran out.

"Who the hell are you?" The Doctor asked Harriet as they joined him.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." She answered.

"Nice to meet you."


The CO2 from the extinguisher ran out which made them quickly sprint out of the room, back towards the Cabinet Room. There was still some passing conversation, but Willow could not hear it over the sound her heavy adrenaline.

They headed into the room, glimpsing back at the creatures. The Doctor grabbed a flask of alcohol and held an object up to the glass. "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof, we all go up. So back off." They did, surprisingly. "Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?" He questioned.

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