1st September (My weird dream)

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OH MY GOD! Today is the first of September and I cannot believe it's autumn already! Where did the year go??? Soon it'll be Halloween, then Bonfire Night, then Christmas and then that'll be the end of Basically a Diary 😭

But let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet, who knows what I might decide to do next year?

Since I didn't really do much today I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you about my weird dream I had, and it's weird!!! (By the way, I'm not really in the dream, just watching the scene play out in front of me)

So there is a huge stadium - like Quidditch World  Cup huge - all full of Drag Queens. They are cheering and screaming because Ru Paul is hosting a Drag Race episode, but instead of Drag Queens, it's the Try Guys! They are not in drag, just wearing super tacky dresses - like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding tacky - and are being told to jump over hurdles for Ru Paul's Drag Race. Out of no-where (still in the stadium) Zack from the Try Guys has his bar mitzvah by being throw into a pink, fairy castle paddling pool and then I woke up.

That was probably one of the most confusing moments of my life and I needed a few minutes to come to terms with what my brain had just concocted!

So let me summarise: In a gigantic stadium Ru Paul is getting the Try Guys to jump over hurdles in tacky dresses and then suddenly Zack gets thrown into a pink paddling pool (still in a huge dress, still in the middle of a stadium) for his bar mitzvah 🤣🤣🤣

I defiantly need some sort of help, see ya x

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#2)Where stories live. Discover now