24th November (Sat)

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Today we did some shopping (I got some really cool wrapping paper) and we also went to collect my prom shoes and I really couldn't decide between the two. They're the same style, price and comfort, the only difference being one pair is sparkly blue and the other is patented nude. I love them both and I'm conflicted, hopefully it'll be easier when my dresses come. Which should be this week 😁

My dad made a Mexican-style tea and after we played Uno in the summer house. It was lovely to spend some time together. Unfortunately that did mean I didn't get time to revise which I really should be doing in the weekend before my mocks! We're going out tomorrow so I'll just have to listen to some educational podcasts in the car and pray my brain has enough information in it to somehow churn out a good grade.

See you tomorrow xoxo
P.S. I never thought I'd be so excited about prom. I always thought it was lame but I get it now: it gives you something to look forward to at the other side of exams!

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