23rd September (Sun)

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Today I lounged about the house until I had to go to work at 12:30. I took out 3 venison burgers, lots of veg and quite a few chips: so I'm moving up!

When I got back I did my English homework. We had to analyse a poem called Ozymandias. It's about a fallen statue of a tyrannical leader and represents how no matter how powerful you think you are, everyone and everything always has to give in to the power of nature and time in the end.

Then I did some history work and started on a debate sheet I said I'd do for the Y7s so when they're doing a debate next week they kinda know what it's about. I even when the extra mile and put a mini glossary at the bottom for all the debate jargon that they'll hear, just so they don't sit there thinking "what the hell are they on about!?" 😂

See ya tomozzles 😜

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