21st October (Sun)

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Today we had bacon bagels for breakfast because we ran out of bread. Wow that sentence had a lot of "b's" in IT! XD

I went to work at lunchtime and stayed an hour later than I should have because people were coming late again 😠 Anyway, it means more money 💴💵💴💵💴

When I got home I should have done more debate learning but I just wanted to enjoy my Sunday so I watch this week's Doctor Who episode (Jodie Whittaker is pretty good) and did some necessary clothes shopping because I've only got about 5 outfit I wear in rotation 😂

♡^▽^♡See you tomorrow♡^▽^♡
P.S. Some people have real problems, I get bored of the same outfits 😅

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#2)Where stories live. Discover now