6th October (Sat)

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Today my mum's friend came over and it was really nice to catch up with her since it's been at least a year since I've seen her. She brought liquorice and we had a feast for tea.

Then my friend from dance came over at 2:30. We planned to have a buddy-revision-session thing but we actually just ended up talking until 4:00. Our call starts at 4:15 and luckily we were on time this week because I was speedy and defiantly didn't want a repeat of last time!

After dance I had an extra 30 mins to get ready for work so we had chicken noodle soup for tea instead of my normal pasta salad in a plastic tub.

At work I didn't touch the dishwasher at all!!! Therefore, if it breaks it defiantly wasn't me. All I did was turn it on a few cycles and even waited until the tray was really full so it didn't have to be on unless it was really necessary. One of the girls was still kinda salty about last week, but I didn't let it bother me: she can think what she thinks, but I know it was an honest mistake. Stupid, but honest.

See you tomorrow (⌒⌒)
P.S. Happy Birthday if today happens to be your birthday...here's a cake 🎂 (and if it's not, then happy none-birthday, you continued to exist another day 🎉)

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#2)Where stories live. Discover now