14th September (Fri)

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Today I did the long awaited debate. I will put my speech in the next entry, you don't have to read it but I thought you might wanna see what it was kind of about. Obviously you aren't there to see the week thing but seeing a little snippet of it might be fun, I don't know 😊

It was slightly daunting but so much fun! I got some laughs from my speech and even though we technically lost, the adults who actually listened voted for us and the kids from my school who were dragged along voted for the opposition so I think we all know the real winners 😏

When I got home I packed for my friend's and met her after her ballet lesson at 7:30. Her mum picked us up and I went to get house. They have 7 dogs and normally I don't like animals but they were all really nice and friendly. I met her brother, Mum's partner (who has the same name as me 😜). We had a really nice rice meal with tomatoes, onions, peppers and some other bits in. It was so good 😋

After toasting marshmallows we went upstairs and talked for ages. We are so weirdly similar it's insane! We both have the same night routine, we both don't want to stay up until 3:00am on a sleepover and we both didn't really want to wake up in the middle of the night just to eat sweets 😂 We may be uncool but at least we are gonna be well rested!

See you tomorrow x

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#2)Where stories live. Discover now