7th November (Wed)

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Today I had a big checklist of things to complete:
-Talk to Headteacher about school newsletter 📰
-Find my coat 🔍
-History revision📚
-Physics revision 🗒
-Media coursework 📙
-Get a parents evening meeting 💬
-Remeber to sort bag before (& after) school 🎒

I did them all completed them all! I found my coat while I was waiting for my brother to finish his badminton class and got to the respective revision sessions on time. I've sorted out my bag and a parent meeting with my drama teacher. Who, by the way, has given me 3 scenes from A Midsummer Night's Dream to learn in 4 weeks when an external examiner is coming in and I'm going to get a GCSE grade based on that performance... FOUR WEEKS!!! 😠😠😠

My school wants me to do a student newsletter. So a blog article each month on the school website, and a professionally printed A5 size paper copy of the "student's voice" in the school. I would say it's really lame, but I am actually rarther excited to do it. I know it's just another thing to my workload, but I'm thinking of it more as a welcome break to revision and timetables.

Come back tomorrow x
P.S. I'm so gonna fail drama 🙄

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