20th September (Thurs)

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Today was my friends birthday so I brought her card I made into school. I think she liked it, and I think she would have liked her present as well. But as it hasn't come yet we live in hope that it arrives soon 🤞

After school there were no revision sessions so I took the extra time to do more revision at home. My life is so exciting! 😂 Lord of the Flies today and I'm making revision cards on facts I've got from GCSEpod. We've got to revise "3 ways" apparently,  so I'm listening to podcasts on GCSEpod, making revision cards and once I've finished my cards I'm going to test myself and get other people to ask me questions and stuff. I'm only writing the information on the cards and not using any colours because I'm waiting for my fancy Japanese highlighters to come. That way they can all look the same and I've got to re-visit the information later and pick out the key information to highlight. See? I've got it all figured out!

After tea I try not to do any work because it's really important to have some down time and be well rested. I'm going to sleep earlier and being more pro-active about my exams, who knew GCSE's would be good for my body? (I may regret saying that in a few months time!) Anyway, today I watched Who Do You Think You Are? which is a TV programme about tracing people's family history and the guy that was on today (Marvin Humes I think he was called) had a really interesting story. His 4 times great grandfather on his dad's side was a black, free, slave owner and his great-grandfather on his mum's side was deserted by his family after being ill as a little boy and then joined the navy and could have died twice at sea (one time at Dunkirk) but survived. It was really interesting!

I hope to see you tomorrow ( ˘ ³˘)

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