25th September (Tues)

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Today I wasn't feeling so well when I got home from my revision session so I didn't do any revision. I've got loads of homework to do but I curled up in bed and watched Killing Eve instead. It's a really good TV programme about a talented psychopath who kills people, and speaks a million different languages and has pretty good fashion sense. I'm watching it on iPlayer and I've just finished the last episode: OMG!!! I'm really sad and kinda shocked but apparently their doing a new series so that's good, something else to binge watch while I should be working...yay!

I was a bit productive today, I filled out my wall slender for this year and I've got to say: it's really scary see how close my exams are! I don't think I'll be prepared in time, but I've got to try and stay positive 😅

I'm gonna love ya and leave ya

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