1st November (Thurs)

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Today went to the dentist, which was rather unfortunate because it was Halloween yesterday. Anyway, he said my teeth were pretty good so that's all good.

After the dentist we went to the charity shop, got some beans for the sausage and tomato casserole, then I had a bit of revision time we went out shopping for the garden room/summer house/shed in our garden. We found a Scandinavian style table, a candle that looks like a log, another candle that smells like a Neom brand one (but for £2.99 😏), a furry rug, some curtains and the softest most fluffiest blanket I've ever felt in my life. Seriously, I have no idea what it's made out of, but it's revolutionary 😱

We had the casserole that we put in the slow cooker when we got back, and I watched my new TV show and chatted to my friend while doodling. What can I say? I'm good at multitasking XD

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