Chapter 6

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Dawn took large bites out of the cooked meat and swigged the wine, tears running past her cheeks.
My poor Dawn was getting drunk tonight; a tear-stained hobbit.
I furrowed my brow and pulled her on my lap, allowing her to release her pained cries into my shoulder. Sam looked on, rubbing her back tenderly.
Everyone stopped their eating and drinking, watching me hold Dawn. No one said anything.
Instead, they had one distinct expression on their faces: pure sympathy.
"We'll protect you, Miss Dawn," Sam promised. "We'll protect you for as long as we live."
She raised her face and grinned at Sam.
"I'm thankful that I am surrounded by those whom I love dearly," she said, glancing at everyone and locked her gaze on me.
I have talked too many times about her eyes, but they mesmerized me. They were always sparkling; they sparkled even during the darkest of days.
Her name as a whole was perfect as well.
She was the star in my life and I never wanted her to disappear.

Dawn slept placidly, her head laying on her left arm as she breathed slowly.
For the first time in my life, I slept with only my undergarments on; I knew at some point, she was going to claw at my skin as I kissed her all over.
"Frodo," she whispered as she turned over.
The moonbeams spilled into our chambers.
Dawn looked so lovely in her white cashmere nightgown, her curls a red-tinted river on the pillows and smelled like wildflowers.
My phallus hardened when her erect nipples poked through the material.
"Frodo, love, you can always touch me."
She took my hands and placed them on her heaving breasts, my fingers squeezing the flesh.
My heart pounded faster, my hand traveling to her legs and I pulled down her pantaloons, revealing the dark patch of hair between her thighs.
I laid my head between them, inhaling her fragrance and letting the private hair tickle my face.
My tongue slipped out and began to probe through her womanhood. My erection was throbbing and begged to be inside of her again. First it was her breast, now her most intimate area!
She had a musky taste to her as I licked and sucked on the little pearl-like nub, causing her to shudder and clamp her hand over her mouth to restrain her moans.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I stripped myself of my undergarments and wrapped my hand around my organ; it pulsed and was bright red, pleading to slip into her...and it did.

I wasn't certain how long we stayed up.
Dawn was insatiable all night.
I could barely keep my eyes open by the time a servant came by asking how our slumber was.
I asked if we were allowed to have breakfast in bed and fortunately, they presented us with a tray full of delicious food with goblets of milk to wash it down.
Dawn crunched on her bacon, sucked a yellow omelet into her mouth, and guzzled the white liquid.
She was a hobbit alright.
With that appetite of hers, I imagined her trying to swallow an Oliphaunt and it caused me to hold back my laughter.
I wasn't even done with my meal and there she was, patting her full belly and belching.
Afterwards, she snuggled deep into the bed, hugging the pillow and purring like a cat.
My arms snaked themselves around her and I kissed the nape of her neck.
"Baggins, trust me: after what I just ate, you wouldn't dream of having my mouth on yours," she muttered.
I chuckled and snuggled closer.
"I could stay like this forever," I tell her.
"Are you certain you haven't wooed anyone else in the past? Because you are marvelous in bed."
I rolled my eyes and assured her, "Yes, love."
I heard her chuckle and she rolled onto her side so she could plant a kiss on my nose.
"Right now, let us stay in bed until they have to drag us out of it."
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

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