Chapter 25

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They left us in that freezing chamber with my only companion being the maiden that asked for forgiveness.
"I vowed to Jafilyn that I won't die," she muttered, her head hung low.
"Why she had a child and why she had to torture that poor Theweo for so long I do not know. I was born and raised in this Tower; this is my home and this will be my tomb. I despise everyone here; I despise Jafilyn and I despise my existence. If you help me, Halfling, I will help you."
I raised my head to see her face buried in her hands, crying softly.
A creature this dangerous was admitting to me that she hated the life she was leading and my heart shattered.
"Forgive me for what they have done to you," she wept.
"I begged them to let me fade away yet they never let me. Jafilyn is gone, but she sees my every move. She knows..."
She got up and untied my bonds, massaging my raw wrists and squeezed me.
Her face was contorted in total misery as she held me and caressed the back of my head.
I felt pity for her; the one Banshee in the Tower who wasn't like the others.
She pushes me away, unfastening her white cloak and draping it over my shoulders.
"Wear this. It will keep you hidden from the others. Fighting them will be impossible."
I thanked her and sniffed back some tears.
She was helping me escape.
She was sorry after all, but it was too late for her.
"I am Veon," she said as she drew a small dagger from her scabbard and laid it in my hand, pressing it to my chest.
"Your blade is in the armory to the left in the hall and your garments are on that table. Do not worry for me, Halfling. I have been dead since I was born."
Gripping the dagger, I replied, "Veon...I forgive you."
"Good. Because Eru won't."
Turning around, she pulled her hair over her shoulder and sighed.
"Make it painful. I deserve it."
Staring at the dagger then at her back, I resisted the urge to throw it to the side.
I have seen unspeakable horrors and now I was forced to bring myself to put someone out of their misery.
Eyes shut tight, I plunged the blade into her.
No screams, no groans, and no sobs.
She stood there, life spilling out of her.
Dissecting her flesh, the dagger severed her spinal cord and white bone protruded from the wound accompanied by a spray of pinkish blood.
Her legs went limp and she collapsed to her knees, her arms outstretched.
"Thank you, sweet Halfling."
She froze and her fingers twitched, her final expression seared into my head: her eyes were closed and her lips were pulled back into a small smile, one of bliss.
Kneeling, I kissed her.
"Be at peace, Veon."
I covered her face with her fiery locks and paid my respects before I slipped into my clothes, the sleeves of my tunic in shreds and I snuck into the armory to retrieve Sting. For good measure, I collected many arrows and a bow, remembering that Legolas had given me lessons.
I acknowledged that Veon told me not to kill anyone though it doesn't hurt to be careful.
Throwing the hood of the cloak on, I searched for the keys in Veon's bloody robes and my body was plagued by a flaming soreness.
I couldn't run, but with this cloak, I breathed in and slid out of the malicious chamber.
Silent, I disappeared into thin air.

"Where is he? Where is the stupid Halfling?" they screeched.
"How did a puny little worm like him succeed in killing Veon?"
"She begged for death all the time! She was askin' for any of us to put her down!"
"Her cloak is gone! Little bug must've taken it!"
"All of you shut up and find him! Bring him to Her Majesty dead or alive!" commanded Yusayt.
You promised Veon you won't kill any of them. Besides, look at yourself. You can hardly walk!
I held my breath, holding the hem of the cloak to my chest as I crawled up the stairs to the throne room.
"You are all idiots!" barked Yusayt, her voice echoing throughout the Tower.
"To be fair, he is small," remarked one of the Banshees.
"He couldn't have gotten far! He can hardly take a single step. He'll get lost and give up eventually."
Courage carried my weary body and my mind was shouting at me. All of them will die today and that will be final.
Dawn and I shall be free of this curse and the reign of Jafilyn will fall.
The One Ring was destroyed and Sauron no longer terrorizes Middle-earth; these monsters won't do the same.
Without another ruler, they shall be extinct once and for all...
Those words Gandalf spoke during the Council had to be true!
When I finally made it to the throne room, I barricaded the massive entrance and revealed myself.
"Dawn! Where are you!"
Something hit the back of my head, sending me to the floor. Groaning, I touched my head and stared at the blood that stained my palm.
Looking back, her state was ghastly.
Those red-and-black pools glowed with rage, her fangs bared, and her once-elegant gown was soaked in musky sweat and her sleeves were torn, her chest heaving.
Her nails...they were as sharp as spears and she ruffled her wings.
She wasn't Dawn; she was the embodiment of chaos and the queen of the most deadly creatures in Middle-earth.
Memories of her smiles and laughing invaded my mind.
She had ribbons in that wine-colored hair of hers and she was fairer than any Elf.
She was the star in my empty sky and now she was setting fire to those happy memories of mine.
Pinning me to the floor, she held a circular blade to my throat and sunk it a bit deeper, a thin line of red dripping.
"You will not destroy this Tower, Frodo of the Shire! You will not destroy me! I shall ravage all of Arda and make the peoples of this pathetic world worship me! No one will remember you; you will be forgotten like all the others! In this Tower, in this wasteland you call 'Middle-earth', I am Dawn, the Queen of the great and horrible Banshees! All shall perish before me and you will be dust!"
"Dawn! Look at that corpse of your mother!"
The blade still to my throat, she glances upwards and locks her attention to the glass coffin behind the throne.
"Is that who you want to be? Think about your father, Dawn. He didn't die for you to be like this! He protected you as did I! Jafilyn had no love or respect for him! He was only a plaything for her! There is nothing in my blood, bones, and heart but love for you! It is not only for your body, but for who you are. You are Dawn Starkin of the are the one shining light in my dark world. Do not corrupt this land, love. Do not let Jafilyn ruin you, Dawn. I love you and I always will be until there is nothing left in Arda."
Dawn was silent and looked down upon me, a single tear running past her cheek and her grip on the blade loosened.
She blinked and no longer were her eyes glowing crimson and ebony; they were glittering bronze orbs and wet with tears.
"Frodo?" she whispered.
Shoving her onto her back, I grabbed the blade, restrained her arm, and pierced her palm.

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