Chapter 1

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Birds chirped their morning melodies outside my window and I slowly opened my eyes, shielding them from the shining yellow light.
I positioned myself on my elbows and yawned, covering my gaping mouth.
Scratching my sides, I hopped out of my soft bed and nearly called out to my Uncle Bilbo when it came to me that he passed away.
I shut my mouth before his name could escape past my lips and I clicked my tongue several times.
"Silly Baggins," I muttered to myself. "Don't you know your own uncle is dead?"
I sighed, making my way to my dresser. Before I pulled it open, I noticed my maimed left hand; only four fingers remained after that sickly creature Gollum bit it off so he could take the Ring.
Pressing it against my lips, I shook my head in disapproval.
How could I have been so foolish to trust him?
I almost died because of him.
I felt ill at that moment; images of that horrible pale face flashed across my mind.
The abysmal memory rushed in.
My bleeding hands grasping onto the cliff in Mount Doom as I dangled over the river of lava as I stared up at my dear Sam begging for me to not let go...and I didn't.
"It's all over," I whispered to myself, feeling tears roll past my cheek.
I cleaned my face as I cleared my throat and finally opened my dresser, digging through it to find my favorite brown trousers and blue-green tunic.
I looked at the calendar and realized that it was my birthday!
Sam promised that we will do something simple today; nothing wild like last year when Merry got so drunk, he nearly kissed one of his cousins.
I scrutinized the stranger before me in the mirror, recognizing it as my reflection.
Dark fluffy curls caressed the nape of my neck and I had a long, straight nose; my mother's nose, Bilbo always said. My unusually large eyes were a startling shade of sapphire-blue and my skin a creamish-ivory.
I undressed myself and slipped into the attire, gazing lovingly at the painting of my parents.
I gave it a small smile, murmuring, "I miss you, Mother and Father."
A knocking came at the door, frightening me for a few seconds until the sweet voice of Sam called out my name.
"Mr. Frodo? Mr. Frodo! Are you there?"
I chuckled quietly then walked to the green round door, opening it to see Sam standing there with fishing rods.
"I thought we could go fishin' or somethin'," he said.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
"Fishing sounds good to me, Sam," I replied, basking in his comfortness.
"Rosie's off visiting some relatives with the children. I thought it was perfect timing that we could head off to the Brandywine River to catch some fish. I could cook some up as a birthday supper for you and if not, we can head to the Green Dragon instead."
"It sounds lovely."

Sam dangled his big feet over the water, munching on a seed-cake and threw his fishing line into the rushing river.
We had all changed after our journey to destroy the One Ring, but Sam had managed to get married and start a family.
It nearly drove me to madness and Middle-earth was close to the end. I scratched my head as I unhooked a codfish.
"Could you hand me another ale, Mr. Frodo?" he asked.
I nodded, reaching over to the basket and tossing him a bottle.
"Thank you!"
I bit into a seed-cake when my ears picked up a particular noise; a feminine voice, one that was husky but powerful. Was it singing?
"What is it, Mr. Frodo? Wood Elves?" asked Sam, stuffing the remnants of his seed-cake in his mouth.
I hushed him, setting my fishing rod on the side and motioned Sam to follow me.
Totally quiet, the voice grew louder and more beautiful as we searched for where it was coming from. It sounded sort of Elvish as I listened closely to the lyrics.

He was the Lover of Dreams
He was the Lover of the terrible Banshee.
Oh, Theweo has gone to the Tower of Nightmares
To pleasure Jafilyn, his beloved; his darling Queen.

"Why have I heard of those queer names before?" Sam questioned in a hushed voice.
I shrugged my shoulders.
I was certain that I have heard of Jafilyn and Theweo before as well and what was this 'Tower of Nightmares'?
We crouched down and my eyes caught sight of a figure standing tall in the water.
Sam and I hid ourselves behind a large tree, looking at each other and confirming that was where the singing was coming from.
The maiden had a peculiar complexion; it was a blend of cream with the cheeks and her arms rosy decorated by small beauty marks.
Dark tresses streaked with deep crimson clung to her full hips as the water swirled around her.
I flushed and averted my eyes once I saw those heavy, round breasts tipped with sharp peaks.
Sam covered his eyes as well and we ducked behind the tree and he quietly asked, "Is that who I think it is?"
I sighed and hid my face in my hands.
"Look at you, Mr. Frodo. You're as red as tomatoes."
I shot him a look and pursed my lips.
He stifled a chuckle.
I had seen breasts before, but only in paintings and descriptions of them in filthy books.
We heard a twig snap, realizing the maiden was stepping out of the river.
"I know you are there, Baggins and Gamgee," the voice said.
Sam and I stared at each other, gulping nervously as we revealed ourselves to the maiden.

The Lord of the Rings: The Banshee Queen Where stories live. Discover now