Chapter 28

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"Sam, I'm so nervous," I admitted, adjusting my blue vest.
"It's alright to be, Mr. Frodo. I was nervous too when I married Rosie."
"If only Bilbo were here to see me."
"Your folks would've been so proud of you. Getting married to Dawn Starkin? I know they would've adored her."
I imagined Mother, Father, and Bilbo in the front row of a cheering crowd, tears in their eyes as I kissed my bride.
"You saw Dawn, correct? How does she look?"
Sam grinned from ear to ear.
"Yes, but I can't tell you that. That'll ruin the surprise."
"Apologies, Sam."
"No need to apologize, Mr. Frodo. It's your special day and the surprise will be fantastic."

There were many guests in separate groups; one of Elves, the other of hobbits, and the rest consisting of Men and Dwarves. Aragorn and Arwen were hushing their son as Sam stood by my side, his family standing in the very front, his daughter dancing and Rosie comforting the red-faced baby they named after me.
"Merry will be walking her down?" I leaned to Sam, whispering in his ear.
He nodded and said, "Mr. Frodo, you'll do great."
Horns blared and everyone turned around to look at her.
Nudging me, Sam says in a quiet voice, "Ain't she lovely?"
He was right as I gazed longingly at the slow-moving bride, Merry holding her arm in his.
I expected the gown to be too long and flowing for her to walk in, but it was absolutely perfect.
Her hair a waterfall of wine with violets and ribbons twisted into the locks, the pale pink gown stopped below her knees; the ivory bodice embroidered with roses and vines. Her plump mouth was touched up with a rosy cosmetic and in her hands a bouquet of sweet-smelling peonies.
Once they reached me, Merry left quickly and returned to Pippin's side, beaming broadly.
Our hands together, Gandalf smiled and we began our vows.
"Today, let us smile and laugh for we are here to celebrate the glorious union of these two Halflings. Let us cheer for them and pray that their days are full of love and happiness. Dawn Starkin, do you solemnly promise to love and protect Frodo Baggins 'til the end of your days? To be by his side during ill times and to cherish him through both light and darkness?"
"I do," she said, squeezing my hand.
"Frodo Baggins, do you solemnly promise to love and protect Dawn Starkin 'til the end of your days? To be by her side during ill times and to cherish her through both light and darkness?"
I'd walk through fire for her.
I'd go back to Mordor and make certain that the Banshees were completely dead.
I'd jump off the cliff in Mount Doom to keep her safe and sound.
"I do."
"Then I officially declare Dawn Starkin and Frodo Baggins of the Shire to be true husband and wife!" Gandalf announced, hands raised in the air.
"May you two live in peace."
Smiling, I urgently brought my mouth to my wife's.

"Pippin, don't you dare touch that cake before the bride and groom do! It took the entire kitchen staff and I two whole weeks to bake it!" Sam snapped.
"You shouldn't have used buttercream frosting then!"
Sam rolled his eyes and took Baby Frodo from Rosie.
"How is the married couple?" he asked, bouncing his son on his hip.
"Wonderful," I tell him, my hand in hers.
"Dawn Starkin-Baggins has a nice ring to it."
"I only wish Father was alive to see this," Dawn sighed.
"He and Bilbo would be crying their eyes out all day."
"Well, I'm still here," Dala said, drinking her wine.
"Would you want to stay with us?" I suggested.
"No, I am retiring right after this wedding," she responded.
We laughed and we all sat down to open our wedding gifts.

Aragorn told us that the honeymoon suite was in the highest tower of Minas Tirith. Planting my wife on the blankets, I unlaced her bodice and slid it off her along with the rest of her attire, exposing those voluptuous mounds.
Cupping one of them, I bent my head to kiss the passion-taut nipple and capture it in my mouth. I shifted to each breast, kneading them and twirling my tongue on the dark areolas.
Dawn twisted her body, allowing me to suckle on the swollen nipples and my lips soon traveled to her abdomen, stroking her hips and other curves along the way and removing her pantaloons when I stopped at her legs.
I rested my head on her thighs and my tongue sought out her wetness, tasting her sensitive nub; the delicious juice seeping from her feminine core.
I pulled her up by the hips and straddled her onto my erection, lifting her and all I could do at that tantalizingly erotic moment was to lay there as she bounced on my throbbing member when my semen flooded her womanhood. Her legs trembled for a long time after that and my hardness leapt wildly.

Her nipples remained taut under my touch and she rubbed my chest tenderly, teasing my navel.
A servant left us a cheese and fruit platter with goblets of red wine and four slices of the wedding cake.
I sat up, swilling the rich drink and Dawn scooted across the bed and wrapped her arm around my neck.
"You can't go a minute without me, can't you?"
"Sometimes I mistake you for an Elf you're so beautiful," she purred. "And I want to have a baby with you. Our child won't have to worry about their mother trying to take over the world."
I smirked and kissed her.
"So do I."

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