Chapter 11

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"Wake up, young hobbits," rumbled Gimli. "We wouldn't want to leave you behind."
I groggily woke up, sticky crust cemented on my lids and I stretched, my back cracking.
"How long have we slept?" Dawn mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
"Quite a while, lassie," answered Gimli.
"Once we reach our next destination, we'll have to leave you."
Tears streamed past Dawn's cheeks and she flipped the blanket over her head, muffled sobs coming from underneath.
They were so helpful and it was a shame that Dawn and I will be by ourselves for the remainder of the journey.
"You'll be safe, lovely lassie. Frodo will protect you...and save you from becoming a Banshee."

Dawn was no longer feeble and held her chin up high as we strolled and hiked when we suddenly stopped by a wide trail and reaching into the cloudless sky was a fortress; a tower of black iron in the center of the green forest and there were several strange creatures; colossal people of root and bark, slow and careful in their movements.
Since my childhood, I have heard stories and rumors of trees that can walk and speak and I was frozen in fear and awe.
For the first time in my life, I have now seen Ents.
"Welcome to the Treegarth of Orthanc!" Merry exclaimed.
Seeing that fortress sent excitement through my veins.
"Look at that tower! The whole place is unrecognizable!" Gimli commented.
"Better than how it was before," Pippin noted.
"It was all flooded! Treebeard must still be here!"
"He should be. He'll carry the both of you; you must be exhausted after all this walking," Aragon chimed in.
"And unfortunately, this is where we must leave you. Merry and Pippin will go along with Gandalf to Rohan; Legolas and Gimli with me until they return home. Treebeard shall look after you; I doubt he knows about Banshees and Jafilyn."
"I understand. You need to protect your people," I acknowledged.
I was going to see him again...if we survive this that is.
Perhaps we will visit Minas Tirith along the way.
Dawn said nothing, but the first thing she did was embrace everybody, squeezing the air out of their lungs.
"Thank you so much for everything," she whispered.

Treebeard, the leader with thick moss for a beard and glowing orange eyes, had Dawn sitting on his gnarled head while I perched on his shoulder, clenching onto the branches sprouting out of his twisted skin.
"Mmm, what an unusual she-hobbit," he growled gently, his voice booming.
"I believed all of your kind possessed hair on those feet of yours."
Dawn and I glanced at each other. We weren't certain if we could tell him about her parents.
If he didn't know what hobbits were before he met Merry and Pippin, it was likely he had no knowledge about Banshees though he spent too many years around Orcs so we were stuck with the decision when she opened her mouth.
"I'm only half-hobbit," she clarified.
There was obvious hesitation in her voice.
"My mother...wasn't a regular Woman. She was...special to say the least."
I blew out a sigh.
"Mmm," he purred. "Special? In what sense, young Mistress Dawn?"
I grasped my face, terrified at Dawn's next words, sweat beading on my forehead.
"I'd...rather not go into detail. Let's just say that while I never met her, I have heard she was as evil as those filthy Orcs from long ago."
The utter mention of the word 'Orc' caused him to bellow.
"Orcs? I had not seen those wretched beasts in years! They no longer chop and burn the trees! Destroyers they were!"
Fiery trees and burning bushes invaded my mind, disgust and anger crashing over me like a wave.
The forest I saw was lush and fresh with birds and animals living in the trees.
The Orcs, the Ring, and Sauron's army were gone for good yet the Banshees reigned and almost everybody was ignorant of them. Will they destroy Middle-earth next if I don't save Dawn?
What will become of Arda if they win?
"Take us to Rohan," I demanded, erasing the horrible questions that haunted me.
Dawn harshly whispered, "Are you mad? We'll be totally exposed!"
I winked at her and replied, "Trust me: no one will see us."
She relaxed and was quiet for the rest of the ride.
"Hold on tight, young hobbits," he grumbled.
"It will take a long time to get there."
I adjusted myself and let my legs swing in the air as Treebeard took us to Rohan.

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