Chapter 12

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It was a nice change for once.
Gone were the forests and here we were in a vast golden landscape, admiring the rolling hills. Treebeard dropped us by a large formation of rocks where Dawn and I agreed to unwind, setting up the cooking pot and laid out the blanket we shared.
"What I'd give to have a bath right about now," she said, picking twigs and leaves out of her hair.
To be fair, the idea was lovely; Dawn resting on my chest, our naked bodies touching, and the hot water washing away the dirt and blood.
"Should we go hunting? All Treebeard had to offer us were berries," she suggested. "I want something meaty."
"Legolas did give me my own bow," I said.
"Then we shall go!"
Hand in hand, Dawn and I started to scavenge for any wildlife.
The sun beamed down on us, the land wide and open, the grass tickling the soles of our feet and accidentally stepping on small rocks.
We must have searched for hours when Dawn gasped and pulled me to the ground with her.
"Frodo! Look over there!" she whispered.
We breathed silently as we stalked the black-haired figment.
The Scavenger wore nothing but a tattered brown skirt, its breasts sagging; the nipples missing and replaced with star-shaped markings.
It growled and moaned, its fangs sinking into a horse carcass, blood gushing and thick viscera spilling out of its open belly.
Dawn gagged, her hand clamped over her mouth to keep herself silent.
My gaze stuck on the ravenous creature, it hacked up a bone and flapped its ragged jet-black wings, those sickle-sharp talons scratching its purplish flesh.
My hand clutching the bow, I aimed an arrow directly at the she-beast.
I took in a deep yet quiet breath, releasing the sharp arrow and it landed in her neck, viscous crimson spurting.
It let out a haunting cry, grasping pathetically at the arrow protruding out its neck.
For a minute, it choked for air and eventually gave up and was soon lying motionless by the horse. Dawn and I left our hiding spot, a dagger in her left hand as we examined the monster.
Kneeling down, I prodded at it with a long twig, pushing the inky hair out of its face and noted the two broad eyes that were veiled by a cloudy white.
"Was it...blind?" Dawn asked.
"It certainly didn't see us," I replied.
Removing the arrow out of its bleeding neck, I took her hand and we began to go back when her body twitched.
"I-I'll be alright," she stammered. The moment she blinked, the bronze color was removed; only black remained.
"Oh, no!"
I wasn't about to let this happen to her again!
Carrying her, I picked up my pace right as her teeth elongated and she screamed, breaking the silence.
Laying her on the blanket, I scrambled through my satchel and took out the vial I used on her last time.
"Frodo," she rasped, her nails serrated. ""
My hand on her jaw, I forcefully opened her mouth wide and allowed the liquid to go down her throat.
She scratched and kicked me when her face took on a soft expression, her irises lightening.
With hot tears on my cheeks, I smiled and kissed her all over, praising the Valar.

Crickets sang throughout the evening. Dawn shifted under the blanket, groaning faintly and woke up.
It took her a bit to begin talking, but when she did, the first thing she uttered was, "It happened again."
Without looking, I nodded somberly.
She positioned herself on her elbows, and she instructed, "Come over here, Baggins."
I crawl over to her, our eyes locked on each other.
Right there and then, I didn't want to only tear off her gown, I needed to hold her and kiss her; our bodies melting together like butter on hot bread and our souls entwining.
Our foreheads touching, I gasped, "I love you. You are all I want and need right now. If you die, I'll die with one will separate us."
She nuzzled my neck and confirmed what I knew all along.
"Frodo Baggins, I love you always."
My hands slipped under her gown and cupped her breasts, not only feeling her nipples tighten, but her heart beating.

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