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Happy Wednesday y'all!💗 Next update will be on this upcoming Friday 😊 Enjoy!


One week passed and Teylor had exceeded her financial goal that she wanted to meet before she went back to Harlem. Being a scammer wasn't an easy task if you didn't have the brains for it, but it was all Teylor knew. She'd been scamming since she was 15. One of her ex boyfriends introduced her to it; well, kinda. Teylor had threatened to snitch on him if he didn't teach her the ropes and how to master it. Of course she didn't mean it, but she always found a way to get what she wanted. She was also an observational person who could read people with no problem; so, it wasn't long before she figured out his weaknesses.

Teylor wasn't like other people who shared her occupation. She'd met many people that did it because they were too lazy to get off their ass and get a job. Teylor wasn't lazy by any means; she did it because she knew she could get away with it. She loved the fast money, but she got a kick out of knowing she would never be caught. It was her hustle and she planned to start school when she made enough to cover her full tuition. Being that Jace wasn't planned, that halted her plans on finishing college, but whenever it got around time for him to go to big boy school, she planned on picking up where she left off in her last college semester.

Teylor had been to Atlanta a few days before today to pack her apartment up. She was getting the hell out of Atlanta and hopefully a better place close to family. She loved Atlanta but she'd rather be closer to family than what she was. She also desired to start some place new and fresh. She wanted to be somewhere that her and Jace would probably not be recognized and she knew exactly where she was wanting to go.

She ended up putting  her furniture in storage  and shipping her and Jace's clothes to their set destinations. She paid for her storage items to stay there for at least a year. She figured that would give her enough time to get on her feet and figure out what direction she wanted to take in life.

Teylor tossed and turned all night thinking of the outcome of her plan she'd made. She prayed that everything went right, even though if the slightest thing was done wrong, her whole plan would go down the drain. She knew this was risky, and it might've been stupid, but she was going to do whatever she could to get her son back in her care again. 12 months was far too long to wait for another trial. She knew and understood what Danielle said about getting a job and maybe getting an earlier court date, but with as many things going on in Atlanta and as many people that lived in Atlanta, there was no way that she was gonna get an earlier court date.

Devin messaged Teylor their meet up location like any other Thursday. He always texted her the meet up locations a day in advance. She hated having meet up places to get her son. Devin wouldn't allow her to pick him up at his house for whatever reason. She thought it was insane and she felt like she had a right to know where her son laid his head at night, but that was neither here nor there. She knew Devin's wife came up with that rule, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. She sent Devin back a simple ok and locked her phone. All that was left to do now was wait on the phone call that her plan was successful.


It's a Friday evening and Gianna decided to have dinner ready for Devin when he got home. She doesn't normally cook, but tonight she felt like cooking for him. She pulled out all of her ingredients and realized she didn't have enough spaghetti sauce for the whole family to have some. It was barely enough for Devin, and lord knows he eats for three people in one sitting.

She looked over at baby Jace who was quietly watching cartoons and holding a toy. This was the first time she'd gotten him to be quiet since she'd brought him home from daycare. He'd had a funky attitude because he wanted his mother, but Gianna told him that she was the best that he could get right now. Jace liked their house nanny that Gianna hired to help her out being that she knew nothing about having a child, but Gianna let her go home early since she got off work earlier than usual.

Teylor (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now