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Hi Loves💙
I cannot express enough how thankful I am that y'all are so patient with me! It means a lot. Just to keep you all in the loop of things, I've been working my full time job, a part time job, I do hair on the side, I'm a college student (I graduated this month, but I started summer classes today to finish my second degree) and I also run a business. I said that to say, that I haven't forgotten about this book, and I do plan on finishing it. I get all our your DM's and posts on my wall. Y'all are the sweetest! But anyway, enjoy this short chapter. I'll have the next one up soon. Thanks again for your patience!😘


"I was just calling to see how you were doing."

Teylor rolled her eyes, "My son turned 2 today and I'm unable to celebrate with him because he got abducted because of choices your wife made. How do you think I'm doing?"

"Look, I don't wanna argue with you today Tey & that's for damn sure not what I called for; I'm tryna make it through today just like you are. Besides, I forgave Gi and I'm trying to move on with my life—"

"Forgave? Nobody's getting any kind of forgiveness until I know my son is alive and well."

"I didn't say you had to forgive her, I'm just telling you what I did."

"More power to you. Do you want a cookie?"

Devin sighed, "Look... me and Gi got a baby on the way and I couldn't just—"

"You couldn't just what? Is that why you really called my phone today!?" Teylor was furious. No matter how long her and Devon went without talking, he always found a way to piss her off.

"Stop cutting me off and let me fini—"

"NO! Fuck that! I heard that slick ass comment you made! You tryna forgive and forget so you can have your happily ever after with your wife! Who most likely had something to do with the kidnapping of our child!"

"Gianna didn't have shit to do with Jace being kidnapped so stop trying to blame her because you don't like her!"

"How are you so sure?" Teylor challenged. "You weren't there when it happened! If she didn't have shit to do with it, explain to me why she left him unattended in a shopping cart? Explain why as soon as she left him, he just magically disappeared?? Can't you explain that shit to me? NO you can't because you know she's not innocent."

"You right; I wasn't there, but I know my wife. She wouldn't do something like that."

"Whatever Devon. You know she didn't like Jace because she didn't like me. She was pissed at me for having YOUR baby; the one that she couldn't have! So you damn right I think she had something to do with Jace getting kidnapped. You or nobody else can change my mind until proven otherwise."

Teylor was playing a dangerous game. She hated having to do this but she had to do what she had to do to keep herself from getting caught.

"And another thing, do you really think that since you finally paid a surrogate to carry your child, that you can just stop giving a damn about my son?"

"Teylor, that's not what I said—"

"But that's what you're insinuating."

"No it's no—"

"Do me a favor Devon and do not call me unless you have some information about where my son is. If it doesn't have anything to do with that, don't contact me at all."

Before Devin could respond, Teylor hung up and threw her phone on the bed. Devon really knew how to work her nerves and she hated it.

"You good?" Dave asked her. 

Teylor (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now