Chapter 4

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*next day*

"last day of school" i smile. "for the week" roc ads behind me. "yah but what ever" i smile back. we walk to the cars. "oh i forgot something" i say and run back inside. i make sure no one is looking and take a pill out. i swallow it. "hey" i hear a voice. i quickly turn around hiding the container behind my back. roc is looking at me weirdly. "um yah?" i ask. he leans to the side and tries to look behind my back. "what's that?" he asks. "nothing" i i answer. "come on you're hiding something" he says stepping closer. i take a step back. "roc what did you want?" i ask. "im not telling you till you show me" he says coming closer again. i back up but he quickly grabs it just as i hit the wall. "what are these for you don't need them" he says. i look down then back up "give them back" i say. "nope not until you tell me why you have them" he smirks raising his hand. why is he taller than me. "roc i have no time for games" i say. our body's are really close together. i look from his hands to his eyes. "kelsey" he starts. BEEP the horn from the car. i quickly grab the bottle and push him then run to the car well i guess van kind of. he joins us after. the car ride between us was awkward. something tells me he is not going to give up until he finds out why i have these pills. 

*at school*

people have been really surprised about us showing up together. as i walk to my locker ross follows me his eyes on my bag. i know he's planning on getting them. i take the bottle out and clutch it in my hand just as i reach my locker. quickly open it and put the bottle in. i close it just as he's about to reach for the door. i lean against my locker and cross my arms. "hey roc" a girl walks past and winks at him. he smiles back and waves. this happens everyday. most of them like him just because he's famous. i roll my eyes. a giant swarm of girls come around roc pushing me out of the way. "i'll holla at you later" i say over the girls but he didn't even hear me. i walk away to class. i seat down in my normal seat. one of the popular girls comes up to me. "hey your kelsey right? the nerd girl who changed to like well... you?" she asks. " i nod. she reaches for her blonde hair and tucks it behind her ears. there arn't a lot of black kids like me at this school.

"well i just wanna let you know...... that roc? yah he's mine" she states. "first of all why on earth would i care and second he doesn't have a girl friend so he can't be yours unless your an offical couple" i say. "well he promised me that he'll take me on tour with him next time and maybe i could open up for them.. but that's not the point i love him and he will be mine" she says. i scoff "so your planning on usuing him for money? wow next time you do that to someone make sure not to tell everyone" i say. she turns and somps off with her heels clicking on the ground. roc comes over. "hey i need to talk to you" he says. i just keep ignoring him knowing what he's going to say. " come on kelsey just tell me" he says. "why so suspicious?" i ask. "cause those pills are bad for you unless you actually need them" he whispers. " and you care because?" i ask. he keeps silen. ray ray and ebby come in laughing. "oh my gosh really?" ebby laughs. ray ray nods. they seat down and continue with their conversation. i hope ebby doesn't llike that guy i know what he can do, he was my bully after all.

*at lunch*

we are at one of the lockers while ray ray pulled ebby aside. we secretly watch.  he takes both er hands and pulls her close. please no tell me he's not. he says something and her smiles goes wider she hugs him then runs over to me jumping in excitement. "omg kels guess what?" she squeals. i roll my eyes. "he asked you out?" i aks. she squeals and nods. im happy for her really. i hug her. "congratulations" i smile, ray ray comes over. "ray can i talk to you for a minute?" i ask looking as inocent as possible he nods. jaden turns ebby around so she wont see us. i grap his neck and push him against the locker. "um can't breath" he says choking. "listen here ray ray, you hurt her  or even do a tiny thing to upset her and i rip your balls of personally and feed them dogs you can say goodbye to ever having children, and that's not all i will do. but don't worry I'll only do that if you hurt her got it?" i say. he quckly nods. i smile and put him down. "mention this little talk to her and your dead" i say he nods quickly and runs back to the others. "are you sure you're ok what did she do to you ?" ebby asks. "nothing just a little talk" he answers. he kisses her on the cheek and she smiles at him. as we walk to the cafeteria roc comes behind me and whispers "you know he aint gonna hurt her right?" i ignore him. 

*after school*

"hey lets go to star bucks" prodigy suggests we nod.

when we get there there's hardly anyone. that's weird. we walk up to the counter. and a guy with a cap covering his eyes is waiting there. "may i take your order?" he asks. "um actually we change our minds we don't want anything" i say quickley. everyone looks at me. "come on let's go" i say. as we turn around 2 guys in masks close the doors. "i knew something was up" i murmer to myself. "leaving so soon?" they ask. "nah we're just getting started" jaden says. i step infront of roc since he was the closest to me and ebby in front of her boyfriend, jaden with princetonand chris with prodigy. a guy charges for me. he tries punch and kick me trying to get to roc. i block his everymove. "STAY.AWAY.FROM.MY.BOY.FRIEND" i hear ebby yell. i see the guy flying to the other side of the room. with one swift move i duck don and pull my leg out and spin making the guy trip and fall. when i get back up all of us have our guy on the floor. i quickly pull roc and run out of the store. as we get out there's police tape and the fbi "where are they" the boss asks. "inside"i answer. they go inside. i turn around to see roc holding his arm. it was bleeding. "come with me" i say. i lead him to the ambulance . i grab the first aid kit. he lets go of his arm. i clring at the cut. "sit" i say. he sit on the gurney. i take the cotton ball with alcohol. i take his arm and softly dap it. he closes his eyes. i finish of "you can open your eyes now" i tell him. he opens tham and looks me right in the eyes. "thanks" he smiles. he steps of and comes even closer. i try to step back but he takes my hand. "um" i start. "i just wanted to tell you im sorry  about the past few years i was being an idiot and a jerk and im really sorry" he says. i just nod. im not sure if i can forgive him they really hurt me a lot.but i could give it a try."friends?" he asks. i think for a moment. "friends" i smile. i pull my hand away from his.

*roc p.o.v*

why can't i just tell her. it's been 2 year, 2 fucking years roc. "are you ok?" she asks" as we walk back to the others. her beautiful smile and those sparkling eyes. they look a bit different from the braces she used to have i miss them and those glasses were so adorable don't even mension the cute braid she always had. "hello?" she asks. "oh yah" i say.i have had this huge crush on her sonce 2 years ago but we were already bullying her and people would think im am insane. it started as a cute little crush but now im pretty sure it's way more than a crush. i hope i can tell her soon.

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