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we order our food and go sit down. i take a magazine and place a pamphlet in there and begin reading it. "oh hey what are you doing here" i hear diggy say. i look up and smile. "hey" i smile. "hey bestie" he says. i raise my eyebrows. "bestie?"i laugh. " yes we are best friends now right?" he asks. well he does know me better than anyone here even roc. plus we've been really close since we broke up. "of course" i finally say. he greets the others. "so what are you reading?" he asks. i look up. "um ill tell you later" i say. "why not now?" he asks.i give him a look. "later's fine" he chuckles. "oh my god guys we need to go shopping" i say. they all look at me "i just read the types of things your supposed to wear and i have nothing suitable for this or otherwise they will run out o space or swish them in" i say. "you are gonna be one over protective mother" ebby laughs. "i am really confused right now" diggy says. "well i guess we're going shopping" ray says. "crystal you seem strangely quiet" prince says. i take a sip of my water and look at her. "im fine just..tired" she says. we finsh off our food and head back to the cars. this time i leave with with diggy and roc goes with crystal.

"ok whats up?" diggy asks. "ok before you start driving i need to tell you. im pregnant with roc's baby" i say. he looks at me i smile. "really is it a boy or girl?" he asks. "dunno we wanna keep it a surprise and it's twins just came back from the scan" i say. he just smiles at me. "you really love each other don't you,i mean for him to stay after finding out he's the father of twins." he says. i smile to myself. "i know" i say. we drive to the mall.

*3 hours later*
roc and i sitting on the couch reading the books "whoa" i say as i put my final book down he nods. "so are we gonna keep the babies here with everyone or?" he asks. i think for the first while we can keep them here then we see what we do from there" i say. he nods. "well lets choose a room" he says. "ok..wait why couldn't you sleep in one of the many other spare rooms when tyler was staying here?" i say. he laughs. i playfully slap him. we go up to the 3rd floor. "WHOA" i say. "i know" he says. we've never been on the 3rd floor before and i regret it. there's game rooms. a jumping castle room a gym an indoor pool and a Jacuzzi. party room and a library. how the hell did we not come here. "there's 3 bedrooms on this floor" roc says. i get back to reality and roc is far away. "oh" i say. i walk over to him and theres a giant room with a king sized bed thats all made up already. i walk in. theres an bathroom and a big walk in closet. i walk out to the next room. it's slightly smaller with a queen bed same with the other one. "i think this one should be the babies room" i say pointing to the one next to the big room. "yah some painting wouldn't hurt" he says. "and the cribs can go over there" i say. "cleaning station over there" roc says.i hug him. "i can't believe this is really happening" i say as we just look at the room. "i know we're gonna be parents" he says. he keeps having to remind himself. we go back down stairs. "OH MY GOD GUYS THE THIRD FLOOR IS AWESOME" i squeal. they all give me a weird look. "come on" i say. they follow us up. "oh my god" prince says. "i know right" i say. ebbys,diggy's and my phone ring at the same time. we all answer them. "new mission faxing the stats to diggy's car" jerry says. "ok on our way" we say at the same time. "new mission. diggy it's your 1st good luck" i say. "what do you mean mission" cameron asks. we ignore her. i run to my room and change into my suit. ebby does the same. when we get back down stairs diggy's ready as well. "babe" roc says as we go to the door. i turn around he comes up to me. "be careful you have our kids in there" he says. i nod. i give him a kiss and leave with the others.

once were in jerry's hologram goes up. "your needed at this secret location. they have been working on a solution that can destroy any non liquid material it touches." he says "we think someone's plotting to steal it tonight they need you to help protect it" he says. we nod. we atomize the GPS. we drive to the airport. we go to the secret entrance. we get out the car and go to the jet. "im taking the wheel" i say.i can fly a jet but i cant drive car.. well i can drive a car but i don't have my license yet. we go inside and get clearance to take off.

we gonna be there in about 5 minutes" i say. then i remembered something. i shouldn't be on a plane while im pregnant. "Shit shit shit... mommy's sorry babies please hang in there please do it for mommy and daddy ok?" i say to my stomach. "whats wrong" ebby and diggy say and come over to me. "umm lets see im pregnant. im flying a plane and im not supposed to be on a plane while im pregnant" i say panicking. "relax kelsey it's safe at the start of your pregnancy only when your near 9 months then it's not ok" ebby says. i start to relax. "oh ok thanks im just so worried. i promised roc i'd be careful" i say. they both laugh. "speaking of careful" diggy says. "we go you this double bullet proof vest so nothing happens to the little guys and it has an air bag so if anyone tries to hurt you in the heart or stomach it deflects it. and knifes can't go through it" ebby says. "god jerry thought this through" i say. "ok were landing sit down and seat belts on" i say. they do as their told. i start slowly landing. once i turn the engine of and put the vest on. as soon as we get down the steps guns are aimed at us. "who are you?and what is your purpose" one of them says. i groan. and start vomiting again. "why do they call it morning sickness if it happens at any time of the day" i say. i take my water bottle and wash my mouth. i take mint. "relax were here from the FBI jerry sent us" ebby says. they lower their guns. the guy who asked us a question comes and greets us.

*5 hours later. 11pm *
i sigh as i go through the door. my hair a mess a busted lip and diggy and ebby are worse they were protecting me the whole time. but we finally caught the guys who were trying to steal the formula. "i walk in my room and all my stuff is gone. "what the" i say. i hear voices from the third floor. i go up. i look around then i find everyone but roc in the jumping c room. "guys all my stuff is.." i say until i realize they' aren't listening. ebby comes up to. "GUYSSS" i yell. they all look at us. "oh my god" prince says. he comes over to me and grabs my face. "are you ok what happened to you lip?" he asks. examining my face. "yah im fine but do you know where roc is?" i ask. "the room at the end of the hall " he says. i nod. i walk to the rooms. "roc?" i ask. "kelsey i have surprise come here" roc says. i sigh and go in. "ohh roc" i say. "you like it?" he asks still fixing his clothes. " i thought since the babies will be next door our room might as well be next to it" he says. he turn around. "oh fuck what happened" he says. i slightly smile. "don't use that type of language around the kids" i joke. he comes and hugs me. "are you sure your ok? how are they?" he asks. "their fine see" i stay lifting up my top to show him my stomach. "no bruises, cuts or any injuries" i say. he softly kisses me. i flinch at the pain of my lip. "it's ok jerk just punched me" i say. i pull him close again and even softer i kiss him. "what happened to all of you guys" cameron asks. "yah" crystal ads. "whats going on you go out dressed in black and come back like that and before you and prince were kidnapped." cameron asks. "it's best you stay out of this" prince says. "thank you" i say.

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