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a"No no no no way in hell never no" I yell. Riley and Romeo start crying. I calm down and sooth them to sleep. Roc helped me. Teneika took them to bed. " now back to the whole arranged marriage thing. WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING" I yell. " language" she said. I hug roc and cry into his chest. " how could you do this" I say. " I'm sorry sweet his mom was my best friend you and Alex where supposed to grow up together but then she got a job offer in England she couldn't resist and moved there.. We promised each other she'll come back so you guys can meet again" she says tearing up. " you can't take roc away from me mom...... He's my everthing out kids are everthing to me too" i say. " i love her too Much Im not letting her go " roc says. " I tried to call it off but I couldn't I'm so sorry sweetheart" she say. I take a step back from her. " just stay away from us" I say and pull roc to our tent. I just sit there crying into his arms. Some tears slip down his cheek too. " we could run away" I say he looks at me. " I wish we could but you know we can't beautiful" he says. He's right we'll be leaving everything and everyone behind, our friends, his job in MB I can't do that to him. " we'll I can't marry him.. I love you" I say. " I love you too, your my life" he says. " isn't that touching" a voice says non other than Alexander him self. " go away" I say. " is that a way to talk to your husband sweetheart" he smirks. Roc glares daggers at him . " I'm not marrying you" I say. " come wifey" he smiles at me coming closer. " only roc calls me that" I say. He glares at roc. I push him out of the tent. " see yah later" he smirks. " over my dead body" I hiss, "maybe we should go home early" roc says. I nod.

When we get home i call all my friends and they come over in 5 minutes. I tell them everything. And they all react baldly but the worst I have to say wax Andy. His eyes darkened and he clenched his fists. " I know that asks whole" he hisses. We all stare at him. "You do" roc asks. " yah he's one of my most hated enemies in our opposite gang" he says. He tells us the whole story of how they killed some of his friends and everything, " I don't want you getting married to him it's trouble for you" he says. " I give him a wierd look. " you know how once your married everything that's yours is his too" he asks. I nod. " well you have money the way into the spy headquarters and the jail free card" he says. I nod again. " that will be his too and only his once you pass away.... Ever heard of......til death do us part" he says my eyes widen. " relax weirdos that's not my plan" Alex says as he walks into the house. " stalker much.. So you ever knock" I say. He chuckles. " your funny" I glare at him. " Andy show him out please and teach him a lesson while your at it" I say. Andy cracks his knuckles and he tackles him to the ground, " don't get blood on my carpet" I say to Andy who is wining. After he picked him up and kicks him out of the house. " no way are you marrying him" Andy says

* 2 months later*
here I am in a stupid wedding dress getting married to Alexander. I haven't spoken to my mom in a month and a bit. Alex's mom comes in. " oh you look so beautiful" she says making me cry harder. I just picked the cheapest and first wedding dress I could fine. I didn't want a perfect one cause the perfect one was meant for roc and i's wedding. She looks at the engagement ring that roc gave me that I was wearing. " no this has to go" she says. She takes it off my hand and throws it across the room. Teneika quickly runs to get it. "Time to go" she smiles. Time to get this day of horrors started. We line up bend the door. All my friends looking bored and depressed. Prince looking pissed. And roc... He went outside with the kids I love him to death now I can't be with him anymore. We don't even have a proper priest we have those certified wedding b The music starts. And the brides maids walk off I just walk walk down glaring. Alex smirks at me. The wedding person starts his speech and I don't even listen. " I do" Alex says. Everyone looks at me. He asks for objection. I put my hand up. " besides you" the man says. All my friends put their hands up. " not you either... Any one on the side that has the choice object" he says. You know that I'm done. I rip the veil off and punch the man in face. I take my shoes off and throw them to the side. Everyone but my friends look at me like I'm crazy. " what are you doing" Alex asks. I glare at him and punch him in the face. " YOU GO GIRL" Andy shouts. My friends cheer and I run out of the venue. I look around ignoring the people and paparazzi I look for roc and the babies. " chres" I yell using half of his real I see him walking away. I run after him. Telling his name. He finally turns around. " Kelsey" he says. I look at the stroller and my babies are giggling at me. " I didn't do do it... I didn't marry him" I say " don't think you can get out of this so easily" I feel arms hold me tightly.

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