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i pace the living room floor holding the phone. "do you want me to call her instead" prince asks. i shake my head. "no she'll be more mad" i say. i take a few deep breathes. and dial the number. "um hi mom" i say nervously. "sweetie are you ok?" she asks. tears start coming out. "are you sitting down?" i ask. "yes darling what is it" she asks. "mom...im pregnant" i say. " i thought the doctor said.." she starts. "yah i know but it might or might not be andys... it could be roc's" i say.i hear silence "mom?"i ask. i hear her hang up. i groan. "she hung up"i tell prince. "come here" roc says. i go over and sit next to him he hugs me as i collapse in tears. "it's ok" he says. "this could be your baby" i say. he stays silence. or even worse andy's i think to my self.

*5 minutes later*
im sitting on the couch finally stopped crying. and roc is in his room. i know he probably hates me for this, i mean if it's his and people found out it could ruin his career. the door bell rings. "ill get it" prince says. i just nod and eat more pancakes. "where is she?" i heard mom. i freeze at the sound of her voice. "in the living room" prince says. i hear her walk. i just sit there starring at the ground. everything goes silent. "kelsey?" she asks. i look up at her. she comes up to me and does the most unexpected thing. she hugs me. "y-your not mad?" i ask. she pulls away. "oh im mad" she says. i look at the ground. "but i love you and i'll be here for you what ever you decide to do" she says. i smile and hug her. "thank you" i say. " so how will you know who's it is?" she asks. "the doctor is running some DNA tests. but the results won't be here until next week the latest" i say. "well what are you gonna do with it? get an abortion?" she says. i lok at her in disbelief. "ok i know this is a problem from everyone's life but im not taking his or her life away." i say. "what about adoption" she asks. i shake my head. "mom i work for the fbi know what 90% of those people are like. for example tyler's foster dad before he went back to his real family" i say. she just looks at me. "this is my baby too and im gonna raise it even if i have to do it by my self. i know it's possible cause your great single mom" i say. she looks at me and finally nods. "what if it's andy's?" she asks. i sigh. "im still gonna keep it" i say. she just nods. "um i need to go somewhere" i say. she nods. i get up and walk to the door. "prince i need a ride" i say. "ok" he comes downstairs. "were are we going" he asks. "i can't tell you just follow my directions" i say he nods. "but first we need more food im so hungry" i say. "thats pregnancy for you" mom says. i give her a weird look making her laugh.

"we're at a juvenile detention centre " prince says. i nod. "ill be back soon" i say. "im not letting you go in there" he says. "i know what im doing" i say and get out. i walk to the front "im here to andy ******" i tell the officer she nods. "you have to go through security" she says. i take ot my badge. "this enough security? i ask. he just nods and busses me in. he leads me to the tables were the visitors talk to the prisoners. i sit as i wait for andy to come. "what do you want?" he asks when he arrives, "well hi to you too" i say. he rolls his eyes. "look we both remember what you did to me that night and i came here with news" i say. he looks at me weirdly. "im pregnant it may or may not be yours" i say. "let me guess it might be diggy's" he rolls his eyes. "no.. it might be roc's" i say. "does it matter? im still gonna get you when i come out" he says. "and what if it's yours huh. your gonna kill your own childs mother? remember when my dad killed yours and how you hated him? thats the same hate that child will have for you plus you'll have no choice but to raise it by your self" i say. he looks back at me. i smirk. "ok fine ill help raise it..but only if it's mine and if its not i still get to kill you when i get out. i mean it i still hate you with all my guts. i smile. "i don't need you to help raise the baby i just wanted you to know you are possibly a 16 year old father" i say. he looks at me. "well i gotta go now" i say. i stand up and turn around. i look back at him. "by the way... i hate you too" i say and wink and wave. he scoffs and bites his lip. i walk back to prince.

*6 days later*
"kelsey you've got mail" ebby says. i look at it. "it's from the hospital" i say. everyone goes silent and looks at me. i open it. "i cant read it you do it" i say pushing it to prince. he looks at me and takes the envelope. "just the results" i say. he looks at it. "and the baby is..... oh wow ok....ROC's" he says. my eyes widen. roc looks back at me with the same expression. he takes the paper and looks at it. i start tearing up. i look away and bite my lip. "i under stand if your disappointed" i say. roc just looks at the paper then me then the paper. i flop down o the couch and cover my face. i knew he would be upset. no one wants a baby at 16 plus, if people find out his career will be ruined. "baby im not disappointed" roc says. i look up and everyone but him is out of the room. i look at him. "ok maybe i am but it's not only your fault it's mine too" he says. he comes and sits next to me. "im keeping it no matter what anyone says" i say reading his mind. "what about your job won't it be dangerous?" he says. "i can handle it i can also handle raising him or her by my self" i say. "why do you keep saying that?" roc asks. "cause you shouldn't help me you have career to keep and the baby will ruin it for all of you guys" i say. "well im still gonna be here for you. i love you and the baby won't change that" he says. i smile and kiss him. i look at him again and smile. "we're gonna be parents" i squeal finally happy. "yah" he says nervously. "don't worry we can do it" i say. he nods. "oh kels" prince says. "what?" i ask. "your first scan is tomorrow" he says. i nod. "well i need to go and sleep im so tired" i say. "do you want me to come with you to the scan?" roc asks as i walk out i smile "of course" i say. the front door opens and crystal and cameron come in. "hey hey hey" cameron says. "who let them in?" lo asks. "lo don't be mean crystals my friend" i say. "oh yah who let cameron come in, in case you haven't heard we got a new invention called a doorbell" she says. "were here for another sleep over didn't you guys invite us?" crystal asks. we all shake our heads. "but cam said.." she trails off. "fine you can stay" i say. i go to the kitchen forgetting all about sleeping. i grab some water about 3 cups full and then start making eggs and bacon "what are you doing" cameron asks me. "making food" i sy. "your making eggs and bacon when it's 5pm?" she says crossing her arms. "yep" i say. "hey you feeling better what did the doctor say?" crystal asks. "um it was just a fever im fine now" i lie. she nods. "so i saw "tweak em a little" i say referring her song with becky g. "ohh did you like it?" she asks. "loved it" i say. "um hello crystal we need to go" cameron says and pulls here away. roc comes in. "hey babe hey little guy" he says bending down to my stomach. i smile at the fact he loves the baby already. "it's probably like who de hell is that" i laugh. "well it's daddy of course" he says. "im so happy you wanna help " i say. "what kind of father would i be if i abandon my child" he says. "i really love you" i say. "i love you too" he says. i finish with my food "that much for one person?" he asks. "im eating for two remember" i say. he smiles. i walk to the living room. just as roc comes after me crystal links arms with him. "hey" she smiles he looks at me. i flop on the couch. "crystal stop" he says. she lets go. maybe i was wrong about her. she might not be my friend. "omg look what i found" ebby squeals. she shows me her phone and a really adorable baby crib shows up "cute but your already shopping for me? we need to find a room for it first then get the room ready THEN we can find those type of stuff" i say. "wow you got it planned" ray says i nod. "got what planned" crystal asks "nothing" i say "prince your sister is leaving us out" cameron whines. i shake my head at him. "well it's privet" he says. she glares at me i just eat my bacon.

*next day*
i wake up with roc next to me. "baby wake up" i say. he groans "it's 10:30 we have to be at the hospital by 12" i say. "then wake me up at 11* he says. "we need to be leaving by 11 damn boy get your ass up" i say. he chuckles and gets up. i smile at him "uh oh" i groan. i run to the bath room.

*5 minutes later*
"now i know why they call it morning sickness" i say. he chuckles. i go take a shower then change into my outfit. after im done roc already is waiting with food. "THANK YOU" i smile. i sit cross legged on the bed and he goes in the bathroom crystal walks in after a few minutes. "um sorry i was looking for roc" she says. "of course you were...he's taking a shower" i say annoyed. "is it me or are you eating a whole lot more than you usually do" she says. "what's it to you?" i ask. she sighs. "your mad at me... why?" she says. "do you like roc?" i ask. she just looks back at me. "cause your the one who set us up and since cameron came into the picture you've both been trying to steal him away from. i know your fake dating out there but can i at least have my boyfriend when i can.right now i need him more than ever" i say. she just looks back guiltily roc comes out in a towel. "um crystal mind giving us some privacy?" roc asks she nods . "im sorry kelsey" she says and walks out. "get dressed we gotta go" i sigh. he nods

"ready?" prince ask as we walk down stairs. "yep" i nod. "were are you going?" cameron asks. "non your business" i say. "thats it im coming come on crystal" she says and pulls her. i sigh. ebby and ray are going in a separate car now i guess. "fine but you have to promise not to tell anything you see there to ANY ONE" prince says. she sighs and nods. "im gonna need both your phones" he says. they groan and give him their phones. "it's that privet?" crystal asks. "yes" i say.

"kelsey perez?" the nurse says i nod. she smiles. "and are you all coming in with her?" she asks. "YES" cameron says almost instantly. "well ok then your gonna have to be quiet... and is the father here?" she asks. i lift me and roc's intwined fingers and we both smile. "FATHER?" crystal and cameron say at the same time. "of what?" crystal asks. "i smirk "you'll see" i say. "ok just lie down here and lift your top up" the doctor says once we are in. i do as im told. "ok you can sit next her" she says to roc. he nods. "the rest just stand there and keep quiet" she tells them. "quiet for what?" cameron asks. we all shush her. "ok this might feel a little cold? she says. roc takes my hand as she rubs the jell on my stomach. i chuckle at the coldness. "WAIT YOU PREGNANT?" crystal says. "yes now sshh" i say. she looks at roc. he shrugs. the lady puts the wand thing on. i look at the screen. "and there it is" she says happily. "roc look our baby"i say. "i know... wow" he says. "wait" the doctor says. my eyes widen and my heart beats faster. "Whats wrong?" i ask. she laughs. "relax sweetie it's just theres not only 1 heart beat...theres two.. congratulations you have twins" she says. i gasp. "twins?" i ask. i look at roc. his face has shock on his face. "i can understand if you want to back out now" i say. he stares at me for while then shakes his head. "no it's just..wow twins.. im still here ok?" he says. "your the most understanding teen father i have ever seen. good on you" the doctor says. "but the fans will know about roc it will ruin your career, your life" cameron says. "we'll deal with that when that comes" roc says. "really?" i ask. he nods. "well here are some pamphlets and books on going through pregnancy and raising children as a teen mom" she says. "thank you" i say as she cleans me up and lets us go. "twins" roc smiles at me. "i know" i squeal and jump on him he laughs. "back off" prince says. i look at him and roll my eyes. roc lets me go. crystal looks at me weirdly. roc grabs me again and kisses me. i smile as i pull away i see everyone is paired up except crystal who's just looking at her phone. i sigh lets go get some food" i say. everyone nods. as we walk down the street paparazzi finds us. i quickly push crystal to roc and whisper in her ear "no funny business" i whisper. she nods. i smile. every one is paired up and i go on my phone pretending to be busy on it. the questions keep going i just ignore them. most of the questions are for the others. i didn't realize i was walking in front of everyone. i walk into star bucks followed by everyone.

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