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I wake up in a kind of nice room. The sunlight shines through the windows. I get of the bed and look around. How did I get here ? "Well good morning" I hear a familiar voice, I turn around and scream. He runs over and covers my mouth " shut you little bitch" he says. I just look back at him. I try to fight him off but he's stronger than I remember. He takes his hands of my mouth. "Juvi gave you a little extra time to work out huh?" I say bluntly. He just growls at me. "Look you are now my property I did some thinking and maybe killing you wouldn't the best choice after all.. You have kids"he starts. "That aren't mine but what ever " he says. My eyes widen. "You wanted them to be yours?" I ask.he just looks back at me. "So how's our little Tyler going?" He asks. "You know he's alive?" I ask. He nods "um he's... Fine I guess" I say. Why am I having this conversation with him? "Ok here's the deal, your now my property no trying to escape, you do what ever I say or you'll regret it. You have no one to save you now. If you do anything stupid your kids,brother and...boyfriend will pay for it" he says. I look at him in disbelief. He smirks "hey we going out for a job" a random guy walks in. He looks at me. Look who's up your little maid" he smirks at me. "I'm not anyone's maid" I say. Andy grabs my neck "you are mine now remember unless you want your precious family to suffer" he says. I sigh and nod. "Good girl" his friend says. "I can still hurt you" I say. "Go ahead" he smirks. I launch at him until andy twists my my hand. I groan in pain "no hurting my gang" he says. I just stay quiet.

* 5 days later*

i've been stuck here for 5 freaking days under andy's control. I miss my babies and friends. I'm covered in bruises from andy and his band mates.. He raped me again this time he used a condom. He really hates me for what my father did and for sending his uncle to jail. But for now andy's the closest and at the same time furthest person to talk to. I swear he's bi polar, sometimes he's nice to me the next minute im covered in bruises and blood. I'm lying in bed thinking about my kids. I'm only doing this for them. " did u hear what I said" andy shouts. I flinch " sorry what?" I ask. He sighs. " I said the guys are going out and you need to make me lunch" he says. I sigh and get up I walk to kitchen and start looking in the cupboards for food. "Kelsey" andy says I turn around and he is closer than he sounded. I take step back and hit the counter " um yes?" I ask. "You keep asking me why I'm upset the babies aren't mine" he says. Really he brings this up now? " yah" I say. "We'll it's the same reason I didn't kill you" he says. " what reason is that" I ask. He look right at me. I start getting scared. Next thing you know his lips are on mine. Like what the hell why is he kissing me. I try to put his off but he wraps his arms around me so I couldn't. I pull back "andy what the heck" I say. He just looks back at me. "I thought I hated you but when I saw you with diggy you know my ex gang mate I realise I didn't. Yes I wanted revenge for my family but I also really badly want you" he says. I just stand there shocked taking it all in. " um.. ok?" i say confused. "really?" he asks. "what did i just agree to?" i ask. seriously my head is spinning and i don't know what's going on. "you just agrred to being my girlfriend" he smiles. wait i did what? no i didn't did i? what's happening "can i talk to my babies please?" i ask. he sighs. "ok but only this once your not aloud to ask for help or anything" he says. i nod. he hugs me. i just stand there awkwardly. this is so weird. he turns on the laptop i sit down. roc answers. "oh my gosh kelsey" he says through the screen tears start coming down my cheeks. "mommy mommy mommy" the babies cheer. "oh my angels" i say through tears. "listen mommy won't be home for while ok?" i say. they start getting sad. "no don't cry i love you so much" i say. "what's wrong" roc asks. "oh roc i miss you so much" i say touching the screen. "what's going on where are you we've been looking for you for days now" he says. "i know... i have been kidnapped.. i can't tell you by who i don't know where i am i just wanted to say i love you. he said if i don't listen to him he'll hurt you and that can't happen" i say. "baby come home please" roc say. "kelsey? oh my god are you ok where are you are you hurt??" prince starts. i look back at him sadly. the laptop slams shut. "that's enough babe" andy says. why is he calling me babe? oh yah im his girlfriend now. wait isn't that cheating on roc? "i didn't get to say goodbye" i say. he just shakes his head. he wipes my tears. "you mine now forget them" he says. this just made me cry harder. he takes my hand and leads me to the living room. "let's watch some tv" he says. i nod with a blank face. why is there so much drama in my life. im only 17. i sit down. he starts rubbing my thighs. i close my eyes. he does this before he uses me. why did it have to be me. "please don't it still hurts" i say. i feel like all my training went to waste then again i hadn't finished my training properly. i lost most of my abilities. he sighs and turns on the Tv. he raises his arm. i close my eyes tightly. but he didn't hit me he just put his arm around me and pulled me in. i just want to be with roc that's all.i fall asleep while sitting with him.

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