Chapter 7

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* next morning*
"wake up... your boyfriend is here" princeton scoffs. i get up,shower and change into
i walk down the hall. as i do i find diggy in princeton's room. "uh diggy?" i ask he turn around really fast. "oh uh hey babe" he smiles. "what are you doing" i ask. "taking you to school" he he says coming over and giving me kiss. "no i mean why you in prince's room" i ask once we break apart. "oh i was just...... exploring the house now c'mon l have to take you to school before you're late" he smiles. i go downstairs and have breakfast. "hey roc" i smile. he slightly smiles at me then it drops when he sees diggy. "hi" he mumbles. "ok then hey prod, ray and ebby.. where's prine?" i ask. " in his room cleaning it" roc answers glaring at diggy. "let's go" diggy quickley pulls me out of the house before i could ask him what was going on.

*at school*
"bye babe have nice day, i'll miss you" he smiles. i fake smile back. "bye diggy" i smile. he kisses me and through the kiss roll my eyes and put the fake smile when we break apart. "im really gonna miss you" i smile he nods. my smile falls when i get out of the car. i watch prod drive the car up to school and pass. they come out just as diggy's driving off. "oh babe" i high peached voice sueals. i turn to see the blonde from friday. walking up to roc and givving him a kiss. my eyes widen and start to burn. maybe i should have included him in my plan. "babe?" i we all ask. "yah" roc smiles looking at me. my heart could he do that, then again he didn't know i don't really like diggy. we all walk in group quietly watching roc and his knew girlfriend. "so crystal when did you guys get together and how" prod asks trying to break the tension. so that's her name i thought i remembered her. number 1 popular girl at this school. didn't think she could be more slutty and mean but i stand corrected. "yesterday night he called me and asked me to be his girl aint that dope" she giggles. "please tell me our not teaching her hood talk" i say. "what im that bad at it" she asks. "YES" all but roc answer. as much as i hate this girl i'm a nice person. "just stay your self, you'll be cool" i whisper to her. she gives me a wierd look. then puls away. "why are you being nice to me" she aks. "why can't i be" i answer smiply. "cause of all the mean things i did to you, you shoudn't be nice to me.... plus i don't think if im my self anyone in this place would still like me" she says crossing her arms looking down. "ok to be honest, hun nobody in this place likes you, your a bitch to everyone and they're scare of you they don't actually like you" i say and walk back to the others. i see something in her eyes then she glares at me. i smirk tomyself. when we get to class i sit in my seat and take out my phone. a video of diggy comes up. he's searching for something in princeton's room. i click live. and he pops up again this time looking around another onc of the rooms. i see he is setting up a trap in roc's room. electric wires,balcony bar lossened. "gottcha" i say to my self. "who are you talking to" rayray asks. "i show them the video making sure crystal doesn't see. "girl your boyfriend is planning on killing us" ray gasps. "i knew he was up to something, you didn't think i'd fall for someone that quick didi you?" i smirk. they all high five me.. exept for roc. "what's going on" crystl asks. "nothing important crystal don't worry" i say. she slowly nods.

*at home*
"diggy i need you please come quick something happened to roc" i cry into the phone. "what happened" he asks acting surprised, i could tell he was a bit happy. "he fell of the balcony i really want you to be here" i cry more. "ok baby i'll be there real soon" he says and hangs up. once i hang up everyone claps. "thank you so much" i laugh. 10 minutes later diggy shows up. "oh baby come here" he sooths giving me a hug. "it doesn't matter i have treat for you" i smirk. "oh" he smirks. i sit him in the chair and sit on his lap facing him. i lean in and kiss him. through the kiss i tak his hands and put them behind the chair.i break arpt from him to see him smiling at me"you really are cute and sweet and make a good boyfriend but only one thing" i say leaning in. "what" he breathes. "i don't date boys who are trying to kill my best friends" i whiser in his ear. ebby comes out from her hidding place and places hand cuffs on his wrists. i break from him. "surprise" i smirk and get off him. i take mouth wash and rinse my mouth. "what's happening" he asks. i finish washing my mouth. "oh babe you make it too easy" i smirk. as the boys come from their hidding places. "what i thought roc was dead" he says. i laugh. "quit the act diggy you know who i am and i know who you are... by the way nice ring" i smirk. he just looks at me. "you're smarter than i thought kelsey." he frowns. "then why the low face" i ask. "cause i really did fall for you" he sighs. i look him directly in the eyes. he looks me in the the eye. my eyes turn tino glare. "mmmhhhhmm" i say. "anyway, tell me something.. who sent you?" i ask. "i love you but im not going to tell you" he says. "i know but maybe with a bit of encouragement you will" "hey jerry you can come and collect him now" i say through the phone. "bye" i wave. "wait" he says. as jerry's guys are taking him away. they stop. i walk closer to him. "i love you" he says and quickly kisses me. i pull away. "and i'm gonna miss you" i smile back. they continue pulling him away. "wow" everyone breathes. i shrug.

*that night*
i look at the calendar as i do my homework. sudennly my face falls. "what's wrong" roc asks from next to me. "it's my birthday week" i say. they all just look at me confused. "excuse me" i say. and run upstairs "what's wrong" i hear ebby ask. "KELSEY" i hear crystal call. she comes up. "are you ok?" she asks. "i.." she starts again until she sees ebby. "stop trying to steal roc from me we all know there's nothing wrong" she suddenly changes. i just look at her. she looks at ebby then me again then ebby again then me again. i get what's going on. she walks off. "um ok, what's wrong" ebby asks. "nothing im fine" i say and enter my room locking her out. a tear falls down my cheek. i go into my closet and carefully take out a wrapped picture frame and take of the ribbon. i look at him. and slightly smile to myself. "you have no idea how much i miss you" i whisper. i walk around aimlessly in my room looking at the picture. when i look up i find myself sitting a piano. how did i get here last time i looked up i was in my room. oh well. i stare at the piano. i haven't sang since i was 13 the last person i sang to was him. my hands find their way to the keys. and i start playing (couldn't find a cover by a girl that i wanted to put on so i just got the original song alone by Jacob Latimore) "got a few decisions that i've got to deal with" i start.

when i finish i look at his picture smiling. i put a finger tom my face. i didn't realize i was crying. i take the frame from the piano and walk away. everyone is in the hallway talking. "um what are you doing here" i ask. "nothing" they say at the same time. i hope they didn't here me sing. "im going to bed" i say. they just slightly nod. oh no here comes the wierdness. i thought i took my meds. "you what never mind, let's go hang out, oh my gosh you know what i feel like righ now.. ice-cream. ohh maybe candy or chocolate.." "KELSEY" ebby cuts me off. "whaaaatttttt" i groan. "did you take your meds" roc asks. "yep obsoletely once every 2 days like the nice bored doctor said.. oh which reminds me why do doctors have to wear white coats, why not red or blue or purple" i say. "kelsey how are you feeling" princeton asks me. i frown. "i don't know when im like this i cant reach my emotions and thats completely fine i don't mind.... ohhh let's go to the park come on" i squeal. "no you're going to bed" ebby says. "never" i gasp and start running away. "gosh this girl" i hear ebby sigh. "excuse me but im a majestic unicorn" i say. as i run the frame falls from my hands and shatters on the ground. ebby goes to pic it up. "NO NO NO NO DON"T TOUCH THAAAAAATT" i yell. i grab the photo. "are you ok?" i ask him. "answer me" i say. "god dammit answer me tyler" i yell. the photo just smiles at me doing nothing. "fine you want to give me a silent treatment fine" i say and put the picture in my pocket. when i stand up i start to get dizzy and everything goes black.

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