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I feel his hot breathe hit my neck. " let her go" roc says. " why.. She's now my wife.. As soon as she sighs this" he smirks. " no" I say? He squeezes my ribs.roc attacks Alex. I just watch in terror as the keep hitting each other. I grab both Riley and Romeo hugging them tightly. " go" roc says. I nod as I walk away I keep looking back. " oh my god" teneika says. I give her the kids. " look after them" I say . She nods as prince gets Romeo. " here" she says giving my engagement ring. I thank her and decide to put it somewhere safe. Alex comes up covered in bruises. I run to roc. " chresanto" I say using his real name. he grunts opening his eyes. He weakly smiles at me. I chuckle while still crying. Alex grabs me pulling me up. " let's go babe.." He says pulling me away from roc. I manage to hold on to roc's hand. " I love you don't forget it" . He nods. Alex pulls me back inside and pushes me down "sign" he demand. I shake my head. He wraps his arms around my waist softly then all of a sudden pushes in making it hard for me to breathe. " I'm gonna say it again.. Sign" he whispers in my ear. I slowly start signing. It. " great we are now husband and wife" he says and kisses. I try to pull back but he pinches my sides. Tears slip. This is not who I want to marry... I want my roc.

all of Alex and his friends are celebrating while me and my friend are sat down crying. Jacob holds me tight. " your the best brother ever" I sigh out of tears. Andy marches up to Alex. " what's the matter Andy... Mad about you little sister still?" Alex smirks. I look up. Andy Is just glaring back trying to contain him self. " look I just wanted to say.. You better look after her and treat her well" Andy says. " you scared I'll treat her like your sister?? I belive she's in a different country with yet another guy... She brought in big money" Alex smirks. " I still want her back.. You sold her to some some random men.. After she freaking trusted you" Andy says. My eyes widen.. Please tell me he's not planning on doing that with me. " if you try anything like that with Kelsey I swear.." But Alex cuts him off. " wouldn't dream of it.. She's all mine now... Thanks to her mother" he smirks at me. " what about my mother" I ask. " your little daddy was in the choice of life and death and your mom promised my mother that when she gives birth to me she would have to marry me.. If I liked her." He smirks.

*at Alex house*
i lye in bed thinking about my family when, He comes in smirking and his eyes full of lust. " no no no no hell no" I say. He comes over. " come on" he says. I shake my head. Next thing I know he's pinning me down kissing my neck.. Why why me . I keep crying as he goes on. What happened to me.. I used to be so tough.. No one could get to me now.. I'm hopeless. I need to start getting my spy brain back in health.
i hope roc is ok...

*next morning*
I sigh as I make breakfast. Eggs bacon and hot chocolate. " morning babe" Alex yells as he comes in. I just keep quiet. " what's for breakfast" he asks wrapping his arms around me. " you have eyes use them" I say. He pulls me to face him. " look I know you don't like this but I like you so at least pretend to be happy" he says . " you took me away from people I love. You hurt me... How do you expect me to be freaking happy" I yell pushing him away and going to the living room. I sit on the couch and start taking deep breathes to calm myself down.

*2 weeks later*
" Kelsey " Alex calls. " what" I answer. " where are you" he asks. " where I always am" I yell. He comes into the gym and looks at me. " there's so done you need to meet" he says. I sit and get up. I walk into the living room and a scared cancel that terrified girl that looks a year younger than me . Alex walks in and she runs to the corner. " Alex your scaring her" I say. I slowly make my way up to her. She has cuts bruises.. Every possible injury you can think off. " hi." I whisper. She doesn't answer me she " I'm Kelsey don't worry I won't hurt you.. I promise" I say. She glares at me. " Annabel get here right now" Alex demands, she quickly runs to him. " don't do that to her" I say softly taking her. " come n let's get you cleaned up" I say glaring at Alex. I run warm bath water. And help her take her torn dress off. Alex comes in. " Alex get out " I say. Covering her with a towel. " why I've seen her like that before" he smirks. I push him out and lock the door. She goes in. As I wash her. She's so fragile. " did alex abuse you?? How do you know him" I ask. She just looks at me. " you know... He abuses me too.. We're married" I sigh, thinking of roc again. She just sadly looks at me. I get her out and dry her and start dressing her scars. " I'm Annabel " she whispers out. I smile at her.. " I'm Kelsey" I say. " how do you know Alex" I ask. " he.. He used to be my boyfriend.. My brother kept telling me not to trust him but.. Paring me I didn't listen" she says. I sigh. " how did he hurt you" I ask. " he didn't.. Not this time anyway.. He sells me to random guys and they abuse me a lot" she says. " trafficking" I say. She nods. " is your brother.. Andy" I ask. She nods. " he's one of my friend. He kidnapped me a while back.. But everything is fine with us now" I smile. Alex bursts through the door. " hey babe" he looks at me. I do sigh. " what now" I ask. " I'm going out you know the rules " he says. I nod. He kisses me for once in a soft way. He pulls my hair. " kiss back " he growls. I do as I'm told. He smiles at me and leaves. I go to the bedroom and take out the ring roc gave me. I put it on and a tear slips. " I'm coming home soon.. I promise... And I'm bringing someone with me" I say to the ring. " my next owner will be here in 5 days" Annabel says crying. " how do you know " I ask. " Alex told me" she says. I sigh. We have to get away from my husband

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