Chapter One: Red Sky, Red Moon

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Opening: Brave Shine by Aimer (Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Opening song)

Dedicated to: Rainesaha

He wakes up, remembering what just transpired through the last few days...

I ask of you...

That was the first time...

Are you my Master?

I saw a woman as beautiful as her...

Sighing and pushing off his covers, he also remembers the others who are with him... come someone as weak as you became Saber's Master!?

That twin-tailed tsundere that waltzed in with her own Servant and taken homage into one of my rooms...

Onii-chan...hurry up and summon yours. Or you won't be able to survive...

That mysterious little girl that ambushed us with her own Servant...

"Seriously...something really weird is transpiring in this city..."

"What're you talking about?"


The red haired male carefully turns around to see who the hell would just waltz in his room without a single care for the male occupant. He sighs as he recognized the dark coloured twin tails and blue, vibrant eyes.

"T-Tohsaka...what the heck is wrong with you...haven't you heard of a little manners?"

"What are you talking about, Emiya-kun? Saber's calling for you for about a minute and you didn't answer!"

"I thought you were kidnapped by Berserker's Master, Shirou..."

He sweatdrops. Emiya Shirou could never understand why would he take in exaggerated people into his own home...but...he guessed it was worth the trouble.... The house was usually quiet and Shirou was yearning for some company. Well, Taiga Fujimura's company is different since she's his guardian. It was nice to have friends inside the house...even if sometimes he was blamed as a pervert.

"So, why did you call anyway? And more than that, what time is it? Why is it so red outside the window?" Shirou asks as he walks to his window and looks out.

"It's 12am." Tohsaka had told him

"Also, Rin and I noticed that the midnight sky has been acting up..." Saber told him as the three of them walk into his backyard. And indeed, there was something weird happening.

"Why's the sky and the moon..." Shirou paused "colored red?" he asked his companions and Tohsaka Rin sighed "There's an extremely weird magic accumulation in the cemetery where we first fought Berseker and his Master. I believe it's the one causing this Red Sky. Something...quite dangerous is about to happen. Archer!" Rin called his Servant as he materializes beside her.

"I understand." his white hair was fairly noticeable and his red clothes also seemed to camouflage into the night.

"The reason why we woke you up. We plan to storm that cemetery. We have to eliminate whatever is occurring there. Or the city will get affected as well..." Rin tells him and Saber nods in agreement. Shirou sighs

"Alright. Let's go."

And, without another word, the four of them go to the direction of the cemetery.


"What's wrong, Master?" a red-clad Saber with a silver-red sword asks her Master. She got out of the catacombs that was supposed to be their base because she noticed that a certain necromancer Master of hers is missing. She looked up at the night was drenched red...along with the moon. She found her Master looking at the sky as well...

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