Chapter Seven: Interlude ft. Chaldea's Heroic Spirits

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Opening song: Collage by Sangatsu no Phantasia (Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Ending Song)

Dedicated to: Jack-the-Ripper

Arriving back to their base, everyone sat down, panting as Medusa laid Sakura on a couch, Rin ST watching her. Shirou approached Rin

"Are you okay, Tohsaka? I mean, you've just discovered that your guardian was the proprietor of both murders of your parents..." he asked as Archer sat next to Rin ST as well. The latter nods "The past cannot be changed. I am aware of that. No matter how mad I am, I cannot do anything about it. But," she caresses her little sister's purple hair "Sakura is all I have now. When this crisis is over, I will put Kirei on his rightful place..." she exclaims

As Ishtar observed them, she sat on the left side of another couch and Gudako jumped on her, laying her head down her lap. "Neeeee, let me rest first. We all need rest...I want-ouch! What the-?!" looking up her eyes widened (Ishtar sweatdrops and Mash laughs) to the one who just bonked her head hard.

"You just got back from rescuing me and you're becoming lazy again...sheesh, you shouldn't spoil our Master so much, Ishtar..." the Servant sat next to Ishtar and Gudako sighs and slaps herself.

"What are you doing here, Parvati?" Gudako glared at her Servant who smiles. "I know I called for your sister," she points to Ishtar "But what are you doing here?" "Isn't it obvious?" Parvati pointed to an unconscious Sakura "To help myself!" she replied meaningfully and Gudako fake-fell, Tamamo Cat, Euryale, Ushiwakamaru, Rama, Okita Souji, Jekyll, Mash, Ishtar and Parvati laughed at her reactions.

All the while everyone stared at the new Servant "Well, the least you could do is introduce yourself to all the Teams..." Gudako sighs as she laid down on Ishtar's lap anyway, napping. "Mah, let her be, Parvati..." "Mou, you're spoiling her again, Nee-san.... Ne, EMIYA-senpai! Say something!" Parvati looked to the Archer who had wide eyes then fake-coughed to regain his composure "D-don't include me in that...if you'll excuse me, Rin, everyone, I have some cooking to do..." he replies and walks off.

Sighing while Ishtar was sweatdropping, Parvati turned to everyone "Nice to meet you, everyone," she stands up and goes to Sakura and rubs her head "Lancer Class Servant, my name's Parvati. do I say, Master!" Parvati turned to Gudako who shot up and glared at her but complies anyway. She stands up and pats Parvati on the head.

"This one's a goddess from Indian Mythology. A Pseudo-Servant and just like Ishtar, a Divine Spirit possessed a body with a similar magical wavelength as herself. And as you can observe, the body she possesses is thel little sister the own who owns the body that Ishtar possesses." Gudako asked as they looked from Sakura to Parvati. All Rins' eyes widened and Artoria, Shirou stared intently even more.



They now sat on a huge dining table, eating some food that EMIYA and Tamamo Cat had prepared "Hey! Since we haven't received where the next pillar should be yet, I have a couple of questions for some people here!" Gudako says, a red tint on her cheek. "Gudako, you're drunk." Ishtar points out


"Yes you are!"

"Nevermind that, mom!" Gudako emphasized the word "mom" which made Ishtar develop an irk mark on her forehead. Nevertheless, Gudako ignored her and turned to Shirou "Hey, Shirou, I have a question for you!"

"Yes? What is it, Gudako?" Shirou asks while Gudako smirks at him "Who would you choose? Rin-san, Sakura-san, Illya-san or Sa-Artoria-san?" the red tint on Gudako intensified. All the aforementioned people blushed, including Shirou. Ishtar glared at Gudako "Oi! You...!" "No, wait, don't answer that. Just as I love all my Servants, you do love these girls equally, ne?" everyone stared at Gudako

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