Chapter Seventeen: Truth Hurts

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Opening Song: Kirameku Namida wa Hoshi ni by Tainaka Sachi (Fate/Stay Night second Opening song)

"You...what the hell ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Gudako yelled angrily, her gold eyes shone brighter than ever. Leo just sighed as the wings on his back shone again. "Just...calling someone..." he said. Then, suddenly they felt dark magic circling everywhere. The sun darkens, like the Band of Light that always appears in Singularities, a sign that this world was a Singularity in itself

Everyone stopped fighting. Gawain, Julius and Li Shuwen retreated to stand beside Leo as black smoke-like magical gathering of energy appeared just above Leo. "Behold...the Lord that you've been looking for..." Leo smirked and Gudako's eyes widened "Lord...?!"

"It's nice to see you again...Gudako..." his black hair and blank blue eyes stare into her soul "Onii...chan!?!?!?!"

"'ONII-CHAN??'" all exclaimed




"Why would you do this, Onii-chan!? Do you not care of Dad? Of Mom? Or even...your own mother!?" Gudako yelled angrily which made her brother sigh "Your little naïvette will be the cause of your own demise. Do you remember what they called us back home, Gudako?" he asked and his little sister flinched

"An anomaly..."

"That's right. They are partially right..." he opens his arms to reveal the same markings on his arms like Leo's. "We both are anomalies...children of both humans, the Masters, and Servants...their Servants.... Our existence is an Irregular Singularity - or Irregularity, as Chaldea may have worded it - in itself." he said while Gudako suddenly flinched again "Why would you let what they said get to you, Onii-chan!?" she yelled

The male sighed, his blue eyes staring at Gudako like he wanted to burn her with his gaze alone "You may stop calling me as your brother, Gudako.... After all...I've thrown out my past. And I shall never come back to you ever again..." he said

"That's bullcrap, Gudao!!" Seijiro suddenly yelled which made Gudao, Gudako's older brother, stare blankly at him "You know you miss your sister, Gudako! Your Dad, Emiya-san and even your own mother, Rin-san! Don't fucking tell me you forgot your little sister???!!!" he yelled which made everyone stare at him.


"Yeah! You heard me right, everyone!" Seijiro points to Gudao "That guy's Gudao Emiya. Child of Heroic Spirit EMIYA and his Master, Tohsaka Rin! He isn't just some other person to Gudako! He's her brother! They grew up together and yet...WHY ARE YOU LETTING YOUR FAMILY SUFFER!?" Seijiro said as he lunges at him, fist ready to punch him.

Gudao stayed unemotional then, he used one hand to catch his fist before it landed to his face, he closed his eyes "Must you be so nosy, Seijiro!? You have nothing to do with this...." then, his eyes opened, his eyes flowing like water, he gripped Seijiro's hand hard and threw him away


"SEI-NII!!!" Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily yelled, teleporting near Seijiro just in time to catch him ", Lily..." "It's fine, Master. More than that, are you alright...?" the child Jeanne asks just as Sieg and Jeanne Ruler ran towards their son

"Y-yeah...luckily I cast physical enhancement thaumaturgy on my whole body just in time..." Seijiro groaned as he tries to stand up but stopped when Sieg and Jeanne helped him "Th-thanks, Mom, Dad...err..." "It's fine..." Sieg told him and Jeanne just smiles at him

Back to Gudako, she was seething "Why would you do that to him!? He was our best friend when we were recruited by Chaldea! Why...just...why would you do something like this, GUDAO EMIYA!?!?!?!" Gudako yelled, her hands twitching to use Partial Summon or Projection

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