Chapter Eight: The Second Pillar: The Yggdmillenia

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Opening Song: Désir by GARNiDELiA (Fate/Apocrypha first Ending song)

Dedicated to: Riesees

The next day came, all of them went out of their base and headed straight for the hole where Team Apocrypha came from. But they stopped when Gudako stopped


"What is it, Gudako?" Ishtar asks as they stopped in front of the hole that connects their base to the Yggdmillenia era

"Looks like someone is gonna join us. On that note," Gudako turns to Mordred and Caules "I entrust you two to take care of her, ne? I have a feeling once we get in this hole, we need her power, come! Berserker!" Gudako held her Command Spells up and suddenly, a Servant materialized next to her.


"Hi, nice to see you again, Fran. Sorry I didn't say goodbye. But..." Gudako says to the pink haired Berserker as she points to everyone "I'd like you all to meet Frankenstein. Good friend of Mordred - collectively, they're called as the Lightning Sisters -?!"

"WHAAAA????" everyone reacted

Ignoring that, Gudako continues "-and Servant of Caules in the Greater Grail War."

"" Frankenstein, Fran, introduces herself and Gudako pats her head (unbeknowst to her, however, Mash looked longingly) and turns to Team Apocrypha "Take care of her, ne?" Gudako says as she leaps into the hole, everyone turns to each other but nodded and jumped into the hole as well...

Mordred stared at Fran as she jumped into the hole and so did Caules.

Sighing, Artoria placed a hand on her head "Hey, don't think so much, Sir Mordred.... I know I may not be the parent that you can look up to anymore, but trust me when I say this," Artoria paused as Mordred looked into the similar colored eyes in front of her "Those who dwell so much in the past will not be able to move on to the future ahead of them." the King of Knights removed her hand from her son's head and walked on towards the hole, she smiled at her and jumped in.

Mordred stared at her parent. She blushed as she held her head that Artoria had held her. "Well, she's right, Sa-Mordred. Your father, I mean." Mordred turned to her side to see Kairi "Master..."

"You need not dwell on the past. The past had already happened. But you can try and control what happens in the future." Kairi continues and Mordred looked into the hole where everyone jumped into. She smiles "Alright.... Now's not the time to think about stuff that's complicated. We have to save our own era from being taken over by those evil doers..." Mordred says as she runs towards the hole, Kairi behind her.

Jeanne and Sieg stayed behind, mostly because Jeanne was unmoving and she held tightly on Sieg's sleeve, he didn't want to ruin the concentration of the saint.

"Hey, Ruler, what's wrong?" he finally asked, though the flag-bearing woman was still silent. Having enough, Sieg moved to stare into Jeanne's eyes, their faces almost touching.

"Je-an-ne! We've been left behind! What's wrong?" Sieg says which snapped Jeanne to reality and stare into him "Yeah...sorry, Sieg-kun, it's just that...something's off still. I've been feeling that ever since we met Gudako here..." the blonde Ruler explains and Sieg nods "But isn't that normal by now since the eras are merging?" he asks, still close to her.

"I thought that, too but this feeling is something even more bigger is being brewed in the shadows without us knowing..."

" have a good sense of intuition, Jeanne..." the homunculus smiles at her which made her flinch and realize how close they were. She finally blushed and ran towards the hole "W-We got left be-behind!!" she exclaims as she jumps into the hole, Sieg shaking his head and following her.

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