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Opening Song: Super Affection by Kuribayashi Minami & Hashimoto Miyuki & Faylan & Misato Aki & yozuca* & rino (Carnival Phantasm Opening Song)

The world was now at peace. After retrieving the last Holy Grail of their mission, the Teams all went back to their time, history fixing itself while no one remembered anything - well, except Team Grand Order and Anomalies, though. They all held the future of humanity in their hands. The Red Sky and Moon vanished from each of the eras and the natural course of history continued. Each era's Holy Grail Wars were fixed. Just as it should be.

After Gudao was carried back at Chaldea while unconscious, he undergone testing and medical check-ups along with the other Masters and Mash, to see if she had undergone some weird ritual when Gudao got ahold of her. They found that the reason why Gudao rampaged and almost took the entire world with him was because Lev Lainur had implanted an artificial magic that looked like that came from the curse of the Holy Grail. It all happened that when the accident back in Chaldea in the beginning happened, Lev had manipulated some Masters to try and consume the curse only to fail...but on one Master - Gudao Emiya.

He hid him until Gudako had defeated Goetia and the Demon God Pillars. When Chaldea finished conquering the Pseudo-Singulairty Shinjuku, he showed himself, having been consumed entirely by the curse of the Grail. Which led to him to finish the secret business that concerns the five pillars that Lev never got down to doing. Although, when they had imprisoned their parents, Gudao was still a bit conscious to what he was doing and therefore made their cells still be able to be broken by Jewel Magecraft.

The curse that consumed Gudao's body made him able to summon Servants at will and turn them into Shadow Servants. And he became exceptionally adept in controlling Alter Servants.... The reason why he became evil is because the curse that Lev implanted on him made him blind to the truth. He only focused on the negatives and he never got down to realize what good it was there in his life.

During the medical checkups that the medical team of Chaldea conducted after the end of the Mission 161: Irregularity, they found that the Anomaly masters were now trusted by their Spiritrons and are able to use them at will. While with Mash, she was alright. Nothing strange happened to her. Though...she now had a permanent mark on her neck in a shape of a dragon - a mark that Vortigern had given her as Gudako's mate. Having said that, sometimes, Gudako MIGHT go overly-possessive when someone tried to flirt with Mash...and somehow, in the most subtle way that someone as timid as Mash Kyrielight can be, the Shielder became clingy and possessive of Gudako herself...it was a new feeling. A feeling unlike how she felt before...

Yep. Everything was fine.

Oh did I mention that Mash had always felt how Gudako loves her...? No? Well, alright.

Sighing, Gudako laid on Mash's bed and rolled herself until she was laying down on the Demi-Servant's lap. In response, Mash smiles and strokes her Senpai's hair. This made Gudako look up at her kouhai which made her see the tattoo-like mark on her neck shaped like a dragon. For a moment, her gaze faltered and she turned away...

"Mm? What's wrong, Senpai? Did you dislike me stroking your hair?" Mash asked to which Gudako just stayed silent at. It bothered the girl deeply and she made her look into her eyes "Tell me what's wrong, Senpai.... Did something hurt during the physical exam earlier?" Mash asked that made Gudako look into the mark on her neck again

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