Crack!Special 1: Half siblings

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Gudako looked up from talking with Mordred, Artoria, Fran, Tamamo-no-Mae, Nero, Jeanne and Mash "Kaoru! What's up? Did something happen?" she asked the carbon copy of Frankenstein. Although upon seeing Mordred and Fran, it seemed Kaoru had flinched

"Hm? What is it?" Gudako asked as she followed her friend's hidden gaze and they settled on Mordred and Fran sitting together "Seriously?" by now, Gudako was starting to put two in two together


Everyone looked at the door to see panicking Chris, Saki, Seijiro, Leni, Sora and Kirin "Eh? What's going on? From what I see, something dangerous has I wrong?" Gudako says and everyone who just entered shook their heads "No! But you gotta go to the briefing room quick!! More of the Masters had woken up! And one of them friggin summoned Frankenstein Saber and Mordred Rider!" Seijiro yells

"THE FUCK!?!?!?!?"

Hearing such news, the previous occupants of the room exited that room and ran to the direction of the briefing room.


Once entering the room, Gudako and Kaoru looked around "So, you knew she was about to wake up but couldn't tell the Doctor and Da Vinci because they were you went to look for me but then I was nowhere to be found then-" Gudako was cut when her eyes landed on a pink haired girl in the middle of the room. She had her pink colored hair in a messy ponytail as she wore a Chaldea uniform

"No wayyyy..." Gudako says, walking towards the girl as Fran and Mordred gaped at the two Servants accompanying the new Master. They were indeed them in different Spirit Origin or Class. The Rider Mordred held Avalon on her right hand. It seemed she was using it as a surfboard (which made Artoria pissed a little) while the Saber Frankenstein had one side of her bangs clipped to the top of her head, showing one of her eyes and she held a huge, well, sabre.

"Uuunghaa..." Fran reacted as their duo of Mordred circled their summer counterparts

"Asuka..." they hear Gudako and Kaoru address the pink haired girl. Now that they looked closely, the girl had bangs, one side clipped to show her eye, just as Summer Fran did her own. But the rest of her hairstyle screamed something else

"Ne, imouto yo," Mordred called her sister and Gudako looked at her "Who is this?" she pointed at the girl they had addressed as Asuka earlier. But before Gudako could answer, Asuka had hugged Kaoru which made the girl smile. Asuka then spoke one word that made everyone surprised "Onee-chan..."












"Hey! Doc! Have you seen my sister as well?" Kirin yells "What're you talking about!? She's our sister! I'm her older sister too! And she has fox ears and tail as well!" Sora argues as the Doctor sweatdropped "Oh, here she comes now." he says which made Kirin and Sora look at the door and see a couple of more people come in

"Yui!" Kirin and Sora yells as a girl with brown hair, fox ears and tail wearing the Chaldea uniform comes in "Onee-chan..." she mumbles with a smile "Oh! You summoned Tamamo-no-Mae Lancer and...Nero Caster!?!?!?!?! Amazing!!" Kirin's and Sora's eyes sparkled in amazement as the two aforementioned Servants neared their Master

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