Chapter Ten: Enshrouded in Mystery

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Opening Song: Wonder Stella by fhána (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! Herz Opening song)

They all walked towards the throne room's door, running and slashing at anyone who gets in their way. Well, in this case, Dragon Tooth Warriors.

"If I have a penny for everytime I struck down a Dragon Tooth Warrior, I'll be filthy stinking rich!" Gudako managed to joke but maintain the serious atmosphere of the place. "Next battle, we will have to face Caster of Red, William Shakespeare, Assassin of Red, Semiramis Queen of Assyria, and lastly, the other Ruler of the Greater Grail War; Father Shirou." she states as they arrive in front of a huge door.

"Shirou...?" Artoria asks

"Yes. He MAY BE a Master but make no mistake that he is also a Ruler Class Servant. His full name is Amakusa Shirou Tokisada." Jeanne narrates as they prepared their Noble Phantasms. Then, Mordred stopped them from opening the door.

"Hey, sis," she starts as she looks onto Gudako who suddenly had wide eyes, she stared into the Treacherous Knight who winked at her "The Queen of you have at least the least bit of info about her?" she asked and Gudako started probbing her brain for answers.

"Hmm...all I know is that she uses poison and uses magic circles, I guess, to produce chains to restrain her opponents...according to some articles I've read a while back..." Gudako starts which made Mordred smirk "This is gonna be fun..." she raised her sword as red lightning started emitting from it. Then, she pushed the door open...


"Yo! I see you kept the relationship with your Master, Assassin!" Mordred greets as she looked onto the Queen of Assyria who was seated on the throne. Semiramis' face remained unemotional which made the Treacherous Knight tsk in annoyance "You first force my sis to use her trump card and now you're all silent. Why don't we settle this?" she said as Semiramis stood up, her elven ears suddenly recognizable.

"I see you have brought your Father and some imbeciles with you, Mordred. Well no matter, we will all crush you anyway. Although are you sure that you should be staying with those Black Faction Servants? I can use the Greater Grail to grant your wish if you join us..." Semiramis tries to tempt the Saber of Red whilst Mordred just laughed, smirking

"I don't want to.... This side is much more interesting. And...I don't want to hang around with you. Your mere presence ticks me off...!" Mordred says, brandishing Clarent as she sighed. Semiramis raised a quirk eyebrow "May I ask, why won't you abandon that side and join us? We can accept you. You still are a Saber of the Red Faction..." she asks and this made Mordred sigh again, looking at Artoria in her peripheral vision

"You really want to know why I don't like you?"

"If you would be so kind,"

"Alright," Mordred smirks again, pointing her sword at the Queen of Assyria "YOU SMELL TOO MUCH OF MY MOTHER. A SMELL I CAN'T STAND!" she says, lightning starting to engulf her whole body

"Artoria-san, are you alright?" Gudako asks as she sees Artoria gulp, her cheeks puffed out "U-uh...y-yeah...j-just...what Sir Mordred says...I cannot really deny it...though, I should replace the word 'smell' with 'presence', because...well, Morgan has her own presence when she enters a room..." the King of Knights sighs, even though she was still trying to hold in her laughter, she failed after a few seconds, laughing into her hand

The Knight of Treason blushed "Wh-why are you laughing, Father!? Am I wrong!? I'm completely being serious here! This Semiramis woman smells a lot like my Witch of a's ridiculous!!" Mordred reasons while Artoria put a hand up, trying to calm herself from laughing too much

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