Chapter Six: Infiltration

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Opening Song: ASH by LiSA (Fate Apocrypha second Opening Song)

Dedicated to: GoddessIshtar
Last part of three day release this week! Thank you for supporting Fate/Rendezvous (I got that from the News Section of FGO game hahahahaha)

As they neared the Matou household, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of giantic humanoid bugs. And, according to analysis, their class was-

"Archer Bugs!" Gudako yells. Suddenly, as a bug was about to attack her-

"Gáe Bolg!!"

A red spear suddenly impaled it. Looking up the trees, they saw a familiar Servant with blue clothing - the wielder of Gáe Bolg. The Lancer of the Fifth Holy Grail War. Gudako smirks "I did sense you but I didn't think you'd be coming to aid us,," the man jumped down from where he was standing

"Cú Chulainn." Gudako says as more bugs attack them while they were still fighting back. Rin, from Extra Last Encore, was surprised to see some other Servant that looked like her own "What are you doing here, Lancer?" Rin ST asks and Cú just smirks "I need to correct those not following the rules of this Holy Grail War.... And besides, that Gilgamesh guy is too egoistic and goes against the rules in the first place, right?" he said while skewering three bugs at once.

"Alright. Since you're here, does that mean you are an ally?" Shirou asks and the Lancer shrugged "Being now a Rogue Servant after abandoning my Master, temporary truce until the violator is put to justice, ne, Hero of Justice?" he smiles to him which made Shirou sweatdrop. Nevertheless, the fight continues.

Cú eyed everyone that accompanied Shirou. And his eyes landed on a short haired woman - Bazett Fraga McRemitz - she looked familiar. Oh yes, she looked just like his Master...before Kotomine Kirei, the false priest, attacked her. Ignoring her, he fights as well.

"Wait...don't you think that the number of bugs is not decreasing?!" Luvia states while she attacks five bugs with gems "You're right, which means only one thing..." Euryale said as she looked in front to see the main door of the household open to reveal...


"Zou- no-?!" Rin ST pauses as they recognized the man in front of them. And no, it wasn't Matou Zouken. At all. Rather, it was his grandson, carrying out his magic to rule the bugs. "Shinji!!!" Euryale states as she launched an arrow at him that was easily blocked by the bugs. "Tell us where you took Sakura! What did you to her!?" Rin ST prepares a couple of gems to attack him.

Shinji gave a cackle. Now that they look closely, he seemed to be covered with his own grandfather's bugs. They bet that underneath that thing, he's bleeding.

"Ah, I dizzy or am I seeing...ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Four RIN TOHSAKA here?!?! Isn't it my lucky day!?" Shinji was saying as his skin crawls...literally. The bugs inside him was crawling. It made all of them gag but they had to take out information from the crazy teen so, they continued questioning him.

"Where did you take Sakura?!" Shirou says as he charged at him, "Emiya-kun! No!" all RRi ST yells but he paid them no heed "Trace...ON!" he summoned Kanshou and Bakuya while slashing at the bugs. Shinji just stared blankly at him. Then, he sighed as Shirou neared him, bringing his blade down to him. But...Shinji used his hand to block it, his fingers tightening on the blade. Shirou was shocked but he tried to injure him even still.

"Emiya...I never did appreciate you getting closer with Tohsaka while you both were trying to bring me down..." his grip on both Kanshou and Bakuya tightened even still, cracks starting to show on the blade itself. His companions rushed to help him but the bugs that were fighting still kept increasing in number as it blocked them.

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