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Opening Song: Tsuki to Hanataba by Sayuri (Fate/EXTRA Last Encore Ending song)

WOOOOHH LONGEST CHAPTER IN THIS BOOK! Enjoy!! Oh even if the AMV is Hakuno male x Nero, I ship Hakuno female x Nero more soooo...yes!

With blank eyes, Gudako collapsed on the flame ridden ground, tears rolling down her eyes. She laughed sadly

"So...that's how you wanna play it, Gudao? are one hell of a bastard. Fuck you." she cussed as she showed her lone fang again. Her whole body emanated heat, her scales were emerging from the mark of her Spiritron

Seijiro's communicator suddenly beeped and Miya showed herself "Gudao is after Mash! She's a Designer Baby but also a Master potential and also she has fairly potent magic circuits! And-?!" she stopped when she saw what was happening to Gudako. Miya cursed in annoyance

"We have to do something fast! Fill me in! Don't let Gudako leave! Or she'll destroy the world!!" she said angrily and everyone's eyes widened. Snapping from her trance and noticing Gudako was getting ready to find Mash, Artoria launched herself from her place and hugged her daughter, restraining her




"WE KNOW! THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO PLAN!!" Mordred helped her father in restraining her sister who was growling inhumanely

"I HAVE TO SAVE MASH! I HAVE TO SAVE MY MATE!!!" her voice started to change into a deeper tone, just like when she turned into a Draconian for the first time. Everyone's eyes widened again at what she said as she struggled out of their hold. She growled again and spit out fireballs after fireballs, her family dodging it by an inch

"What...argh!...what does she mean by mate!?" Mordred asked and Miya cursed again "That's the thing about anomalies! Sometimes our instincts are clouded by the instincts of the Spiritron inside of us. In Gudako's case, it's much worse..." Miya paused as she eyed Gudako's struggling, draconic form in Mordred's and Artoria's arms

"Ever since she met Mash, she'd been attached to her and, without knowing it, her Spiritron honed in on Mash and decided for her being Gudako's 'mate'. Just like in the case of those possessive animals, if the mate is taken from her, she'll grow berserk and refuse to listen to anyone. She becomes reckless and more animal-like, well, in her case, her transformation had started ever since she started using Projection and Partial Summon...she became more dragon-like..." Miya explains

"So the only thing to calm her down is..." Seijiro starts and Miya nodded "Yes. You have to take back Mash, Gudako's mate, before two things happen. One, Gudako destroys the existence of the universe and two, Mash is used as a Holy Grail to destroy the existence of the universe..." she said "So...both outcomes is the destruction of the existence of the universe..." Shirou said and everyone nods

"GIVE ME BACK MY MATE!!!!" Gudako's deep, roaring voice filled the entire city


"I said let me go!!" Mash struggled to free herself from Kotomine Kirei's hold as he threw her into a prison and, locking the door and disabling any contact from the outside world using his magecraft, he smirked at her "Don't worry. Your suffering would be over after the ceremony completes..." the priest said as he exited the prison.

"You all won't get away with this!" Mash yelled angrily as she stared at Gudao who entered the room through her cracked eyeglasses

" you are my sister's astonishing...a designer baby...and still, you house such beauty and are perfect." he said as he bents down and stares at Mash with his deep blue eyes. They were hypnotic - but not in a good way. It was like the eyes of someone being controlled...

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