Group Rps: The Ships

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omg Jackson and Lili would be suuuuuch a cute couple)
(Jackson isn't really looking for a relationship )
but they totally should be together! Back me up guyyyys)
Like yeah lol it's happening//

(i shiiiiip itttt)

[aaaw He and Stephen are so great together, pity he's straight]
(I seriously regret making my tol boi hetero )

(Um why is he rejecting her?)
(he's aromantic???)
(is he's so romantic why's he rejecting her!)

Group role-plays, are... well... definitely something, not for the faint of heart, or a novice, they can be fun, or.....
Really not fun.
I think they can be really great, however...
There is one major problem with them.

The ships.

Now don't get me wrong, shipping can be fun! One of my earliest roleplay experience was filled with ships in a group rp, But the thing is, they worked, because the characters had interacted, had chemistry, and weren't forced to be together, in fact one pair couldn't! Because I made my guy straight, which caused me to screm because he and the other person's oc worked so well and the poor oc was pining after my tol boi.

take a shot every time this words used in the book.

Shipping can cringe
Like so cringe, like worse then 14 year olds first discovering yoai cringe.
Some People will force ocs to be in love, demand it in fact, regardless of whether you want it or not, or the characters have even met!
It gets super awkward when the other person also wants in on the action, or the admin force you to create a romance subplot because they're friend's oc is lonely.

Another, major, major thing I've noticed is that certain people will ignore an oc's sexuality for the sake of a hamfisted romance, I don't do as many group rps as I once did but from observation I've seen 3 separate cases, where an rper with a character on the ace spectrum has had to deal with insensitive asshats.

Another time Ships ruined everything was when I had to supply this one rp with boys so every girl could get it on, and, I didn't even have a say in the matter, the admin was just "okay my oc needs a bf and this other person's oc needs a bf so it's time for your ocs to break character and act super romantic"
Now do you understand why I'm such a salty asshole? My Tragic backstory is forming.

Other times people in a group rp will start shipping two ocs, whether or not their creators want them to be a couple, or the characters have interacted #Thishappenedinoneofmyoldrpsitwasterrifying

Honestly it's pretty spoopy

Tl;dr group rps sometimes are home to really assholic people who demand romance where this none, watch out for them my spoopy bois

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Tl;dr group rps sometimes are home to really assholic people who demand romance where this none, watch out for them my spoopy bois.

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