My 1st RP| Dos & Donts for newbies

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do u rp?
What's rp?


Gosh, let me join this zombie rp! I'm sure that can't go wrong

It's time you all here the origin story of storri, how did the palest but not actually a white person on wattpad become so bitter? What drove her into joining the role play community, and what caused her to hate it with such a fiery passion?
These are the questions that no one has, but fück it, it's five am, I've already become immune to my sleeping medication, I'm sleeping on the most uncomfortable bed in human history, I'm allowed to write shit no one cares about.

In the year 2016, a new victim has joined wattpad, idealistic and coping with a traumatic family life, she took refuge in the app, even though she had zero notifications and thought at that time she'd try and write actual books

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In the year 2016, a new victim has joined wattpad, idealistic and coping with a traumatic family life, she took refuge in the app, even though she had zero notifications and thought at that time she'd try and write actual books.
One fine day she received a pm from someone, who asked her whether she'd want to rp, she automatically asked her best friend and only follower what this meant, and upon learning the non sexual connotations of roleplay, decided to try it.
This rper was a bit of an odd fruit, they wanted to rp with the main singer in a band that sounds like screen gay, and in verisimilitude it was extremely cringe, and the young miss fate was extremely pleased when the person abandoned their account.
The atrocious spelling, the forced romance, the depressed oc who was obviously a thinly veiled version of the person, all characteristics the young'n would soon come to be familiar with, however this dip into the murky mess of role play had awoken something in her, and she soon desired to do it again.
Wow writing in this way is hella poncy, legs get back to the usual sarcasm.

So because I was a dumbass I thought "hey, why not look up role play and see what it's all about?" and so I did, and a billion results flooded in, a lot of weird ones that seemed to be carbon copies of this one thing called a selection, but I didn't really notice, I was thirsty af, but not for dick, for blood, so I chanced upon this one which had something I loved.
I dived in, but little did I realise that this wasn't the sort of thing I novice should head into.
Basically, this was a hella complicated group roleplay, every other day after a session the admin would make a new page and they're continue, sort of like a story.
Also, everyone in the group were
A bffs
C super advanced
D high key horny.

Okay that was just the admin and this other guy, but I'll get to that in a moment.
So I made ocs, A smol child and her older bro, and I have to admit, for my first proper ocs, they were pretty good 👌 💯
However, I immediately fucked up, I didn't know what theme song meant, so I put down "doctor who theme" and some other music non verbal song, because at that time, I didn't really listen to music, no I'm serious.
Moving on, the group rp was terrifying, it was like being dropped into a war zone, I was immediately lost in the chaos and only barely managed to scrape by, and at one point.. the admin.. stated... smutting.. with someone.. in the group rp....
So eventually I just stopped, due to the chapter changing thing it was easy to not get spammed, but that experience left deep wounds on my psyche.
However when the admin tagged me to join there new rp, I jumped in, because as I said, they were amazing rpers, and that rp went so much better, it was a smaller group, I didn't get lost, in fact my ocs kinda were like central characters,
#lunamysweetdarlingmyfirstbisexualocIthink #stevenmyheteroboiWHYUSTR8HEWASINLOVEWITHU
And then I made my own rp book and that was a hot mess that still makes me cringe but that's a whole other chapter.

Now, let's get into the advice part of this chapter, as someone who has possibly the worst and best start in rp, I am over qualified to give you bad advice.

Join a large group rp, especially one that's already been ongoing for a while, I know it may seem tempting but it is seriously not a good place to start, trying to get the hang of rp in such a spammy fast moving environment is no way to adapt, if you're really determined to do a group rp, find a nice small one, you're less likely to be ignored or get lost.

Stalk, I mean observe, observation is a great way to figure out how to write better longer higher quality responses, create more interesting ocs, and just sort of figure out the whole RP game.

Try something overly complicated on the first go, Now I do rant about one liners but honestly if you're a first timer, there is nothing wrong with short replies, Especially when time is of the essence, you don't have to write out a whole bloody essay about how Mari Sui breathes. Don't try selection rps if you haven't done one before, it will kill you.

Join an individual or not super plotted rp, what I mean by the latter is one without an extremely complicated concept, alien invasion, apocalypse, marriage/soulmate rps, something simple is easier to master then some of these super aesthetic well thought out things that I gaze at for a while and then can't do because I'm lazy.

let yourself be pressured into a situation you are uncomfortable in, this is good advice online and off, because as someone who throughout their rp journey has been constantly forced into situations they didn't want to be in, let me tell you it is horrible, and can make you into someone like me. If you don't want to smut, don't smut, if you don't want to a romance, don't, if you don't want to play a certain character, do not, just take it easy initially.

feel bad because you're not as good as some people, mastering rp takes practice, so just practice.

improve yourself and push yourself forward slowly but surely, or quickly and surely, depending on how fast you learn.

These are just a few advice nuggets from someone who should never ever give advice, they're not super tutorially because that would turn into a shit storm but they're just some little words from your favourite queer coffee godmother.
Did I mention I realised I have gay thoughts and don't sleep Properly yet?

 Did I mention I realised I have gay thoughts and don't sleep Properly yet?

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