Chapter 1

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As I taped up my last box my mom yelled for me to come to the kitchen. I walked down the straight hallway. My fingers rubbed against the wall as I walked to my mom in the kitchen. "Yes." I say as I walk in and take a seat at are dinner table.

"Is all your stuff packed. The moving van is here to take it?" "Yes it's all packed." I say in a snobbish tone. "Don't you dare give me your attitude missy." I rolled my eyes and got up and went back to my room.

I looked around my beloved room. It wasn't much there were a few cracks in the wall and some stains on the floor but, I had so many memories. Like when Holly lost her tooth cause I kicked her in the face by accident! I double checked to make sure I had everything when I did I followed my mom out to are car and watched as we drove from my home.

"Well are you excited to get to live in the country?" My Mom asked after and hour and half of silence. "How long is this drive again." "Ugh 5 to 6 you need to stop asking." "Why did we have to move why couldn't you have found a different job." "It's.....complicated." "Whatever." I stare out my window and slowly fall into a deep sleep.

I jolted awake as a hand feel on to my shoulder. "Hey sweetie time to wake up we're here." I shifted in my seat and looked out the window. There was massive barns and a big house in the center. Multiple pastures filled with horses. The greenness was of the charts. It was beautiful!

I stepped out of the car and was greeted with a awful scent. I put a hand to my nose to keep from smelling it. The sound of laughter caught my attention. A middle age looking man was walking to me laughing and clapping his hands. I made a look of disgust and looked back to the barns.

"Hi John oh it's so good to see you again." My mom said to the man. I looked over and saw them hugging. The man kissed her forehead and then looked at me. I acted like I was looking at something behind them. He grinned and walked over.

"You must be Nicole?" He held his hand out for me to shake. I kept my hand to my side. My mom gave me the look saying if I didn't shake this mans hand I'd get it. I hesitate put my hand out for him too shake. He took it and shook with both hands.

"Alright would y'all like a tour of the place?" "I'd love that!" My mom waited for me to follow. I grabbed her arm and followed. "Who is this man?" I questioned my mom. "Why he's your uncle. You know the one we're staying with?" "That's him?" The look of my face must have giving it away. "Why do you looked so shocked?" "Um nothing let's go." I let go of her arm and chased after my uncle.

We approached a barn. "This here is the main barn. If any of you are to get a horse which I may just buy y'all one. It'll go in here." He's hands moved as he talked.

That'll get annoying, I thought to myself.

He showed us all of the barns. There were 2 breeding barns, 1 main barn, 1 boarding barn, and 1barn full of breeding stallions.

He led us to the house and gestured us in. "Your room Ashley is up that stairs and first door on the right and Nicole your room is the one across from your mom. I'll let y'all get settled in." He left us at the bottom of the stairs and went back outside.


I had all my stuff put up and how I would like it. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had three miss calls and about a hundred text!

Holly:have you made it?
Holly:you alive???
Me: I'm ok. I'm surely alive and I have made it. Calm down!!😂

I looked at the missed calls I had. They were all from Shane. I set my phone on my night stand. I listened to all the neighs of the horses and dogs barking.

Hope we're not here to long.


Oh my gosh guys I'm so excited to start this story like ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I have some much planned for this book and I rlly hope you guys enjoy. This is probably gonna be the longest chapter unless I make a bonus chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. This story has a total of 789 words.

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