Chapter 9

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I sat in the bus with ear buds in and music blasting. Logan tapped my shoulder telling me we're here. I looked out at the school. It was a lot bigger than I thought. It looked to be two story. I grabbed my backpack and stood up behind Logan.

Logan's P.O.V

I watched her sit and look out the window. Her brown hair resting on her shoulders. He eyes searched as we drove down. She drifted back to sleep.

When we pulled in I tapped her shoulder waking her up. I stood and watched her grab her stuff. I smiled and got off the bus.

Nicole's P.O.V

"Logan what time is lunch. My mom said she'd bring me some." Me and Logan were walking side by side after checking in to the office to get my schedule. I only had one class with Logan and that was FFA.

"Um I think.....12:35 but I'm not sure." "Ok thanks" I text my mom back and see I never responded to Shane.

Me: i can't talk right now I'm in class but we can call when I get home. Sorry for not responding!

I put my phone in my locker and grabbed my binder, and went off to class.

8 hours later.

I hoped off the bus with bag in hand. Logan got off later than me. "Why did you take so long to get off?" I asked looking at the ground. "Oh it was just some of my friends." "Oh ok. Well I got to find my uncle he said he'd help me train while he trained his new horse." "Alright see you at dinner." With that we both go different ways. I drop my bag at the house and run to the barn. I find Logan and uncle John talking.

"Uncle John are you busy right now?" "No doll I'll be there in a bit you can go ahead and grab that black halter right there and the blue lead beside it." "Ok."

On a hay bale there's a black halter and blue lead rope that's really long. I pick it up and walk over to Casper and wait.

I waited not to long and uncle John came back with his new horse Piper in hand. Her coat gleamed and I looked out to Ghost. He coat was matted and gross. I frowned but kept on walking.


I had free lunged Ghost for forever before my uncle said to turn around and wait. I've lost track of how long I had been waiting when a soft muzzle tickled my neck. I turned around and found Ghost standing there.

"Well look at that!" My uncle said from behind the gate holding Piper. I smiled and continued to pet Ghost.

Omg gosh guys I'm so excited for Christmas are y'all?!? Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. This story has a total of 483 words.

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