Chapter 7

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My phone went off at two in the morning.
Holly: hey I know it's late but I haven't talked to you in forever we should call?

I left her on read and went back to sleep.


I watched from my bedroom window as they messed with my new horse. He reared and fell back on to his back. My uncle let go of the lead and the horse bolt the opposite way. I put on my tennis shoes and race down the stairs and outside.

"Stop y'all are hurting him." I yell as I run towards him. He stops running and looks at me. I open the gate but get stopped by Logan. "What do you think your doing your not going in there." He pulls me out of the gate way and stands in front of me. The horse tosses his head and takes off trotting.

I laugh and Logan looks over his shoulder. "What's so funny?" He ask. "Oh nothing!" I giggle and step around to the fence I climb up the fence and swing over into the pen.

Th horse stares at me and I think of names. The only one that sticks to my mind is Ghost. His sliver eyes remind me of Ghost. I decide on keeping Ghost and test it out. "Come here Ghost. It's ok I'm not going to hurt you." He moves his head to the ground and sniffs.

He takes small steps and I eventually sit down. I look around to find everyone has left. Ghost walks around in circles in front of me. His knees bend and he's soon laying down in front of me, I smile and stand. When I stand it spooks him and stands up and takes off running. I back up to get out of the way.


I asked Logan if I had tacked up Casper right.

Because I wanted to learn how to tack up a horse for when Ghost is tame!

"Um yeah it looks about right." He says sitting on a hay bale face in hands.

We've been going at it for awhile!

"Logan I think we can call it good. You look pooped!" He looks up at me and smiles. "No I'm good you need to learn." He says standing up. I motion for him to stay but he doesn't listen.

He grabs Casper's lead and leads him around. I wonder what he's doing but he explains. "Will walk him out to get the cinch where we want and will look comfortable." I nod not knowing what to do.

"Alright it looks good want to ride." "Is the saddle on right?" "Yeah it looks good." "Ok let's ride!" We laugh and he quickly tacks up Cookie.

We ride in the morning sun which is up since it's almost winter. "Hey Logan do you go to school." "Yeah. Why you asking?" "Well I have school titans wonder if you go. What school do you go to?" "Childress high school." "Same!" He smiles and I return it.

We ride for a little while longer before hearing a bang at the house.

What was that?


Alright chapter 7. What do you guys think the Big Bang was. haha Big Bang theory!! Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed. This story has a total of 550 words.

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