Chapter 24

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Nicole's P.O.V

"Logan I think we need to go down to dinner." Logan stilled layed over me. "Ok but later?!" "No not later. Sorry." Logan stood up and walked out with an expression less face. I hurried after him holding his hand as we walk down the stairs. He squeezes my hand and I smile.

We sit at are usual spots and fill are plates. "So Nicole have you told Logan about what you want to do?" Uncle John looks at me then Logan. "No I have not but I guess I will now." I stuttered out.

"Logan I want to learn how to barrel race and I need someone to teach me. Do you know anyone who could teach me?" Logan's mouth drops open. "Um yeah sure I can find someone." He looks back to his food and continues to eat.


Tonight was my night to feed the horses. I had every horses feed ready except for Casper. I mixed up his feed then add his supplements.

I put his feed in his stall and went back for hay. "Now what made you want to barrel race?" I jumped from Logan's voice coming from the corner of the feed room.

"Well when I saw Paris do it I just loved it and I want to learn how myself." I pick up the hay and walk it to Casper. I hear Logan follow me there and stop at Elli's stall.

"Ok I'll find someone to teach you!" "Really Logan tank you." I give Logan a hug and run over to Ghost. "Did you hear that handsome we're gonna run barrels.


7 years later

"Lady's in gentleman welcome to the NRS national rodeo!" Logan and I sit in the stands with my mom, Davis and uncle John.

I wore my favorite coral pink shirt and blue jeans. My cowboy hat sat on my head and Logan held my hand.

"We welcome you all and thank you for being here on this night and the next. Let's start off with a pray." The arena goes silent and he begins his pray.

"Dear god we thank you for allowing us to come out her and do what we love. I pray that you watch over all the riders and pray for everything to go over smoothly. In gods name we say amen."


We go threw bull riding and bull dogging. "Logan I'm gonna go and get Ghost and Casper ready." He nods and stands helping me up and leads me out to the trailer.

"Are you excited you get to ride with professional!" Look saddles up Casper while I do Ghost.

7 years ago I told Logan I wanted to learn how to barrel race. I worked hard in the seven years and my best had been 14:25. I had enough points to compete in the NRS US rodeo.

"Yes!" I put on Ghost splint boots and make sure his chinch is good. I walk him out and hop on. "Good luck I'm gonna walk Casper over to the entrance so you can switch to him once your done." "Ok thank you."

I walk Ghost over to the arena and stop him where all the barrel racers are lined up. They move us into an order and I'm third in place.


"Lady's and gentlemen we next have barrel racing. Let's introduce are riders." He announces the two lady's in front and they take of at a loop around the arena.

"Next Running in her horse ghost we have Nicole Wells. She started barrel racing 7 years ago with the help of her uncle, mother and boyfriend. Give a round of applause for Nicole lady's and gentleman."

I take my loop around and wait for them to finish growing threw the contestants. When they finish the first two girls run there run and then it's my turn.

I pull Ghost into the open area leading into the arena. I block out all noise and close my eyes. Time ticks by slowly and I concentrate on Ghost and I.

"Alright Ghost this is nothing we've done before. Let's run this like we own the place!" My eyes shot open and I kick Ghost in the sides setting us off.

The crowd cheers as we go around the first barrel perfectly. We shot for next and made it perfect around.

"Come on, come on Ghost you can do it run like you've never run before." We reach the last barrel. My bridle brakes and falls to the ground leaving Ghost bridleless. I swing the reins over his head and urge him forward.

We get back in the shot and Ghost automatically comes to a stop. I swing off and look at my time.


One more chapter till this book is over hope you guys aren't made at me for skipping but it just had to be done. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This story has a total of 825 words.

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