Chapter 22

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up at 5:30 even thought it was Saturday and summer. I wanted to see Ghost. I walked down the hall to Logan's room I knocked when I didn't get an answer I peaked the door open. He was on his floor his bed a mess. I laughed quietly to myself and shut the door back.

I stayed in my pjs and headed out to the barn. The smell of horse and hay met me all at once. I saw Casper and Cookie. I didn't see Rocky anywhere. I scanned the barn but didn't find Ghost.

I walked out of the barn and looked out. There was no white horse anywhere. I ran to the house. "Uncle John Where's Ghost?" I looked all over the place for uncle John.

"He's in the stallion pasture." "Ok can you show me where that is?" "Yeah just give me a minute to get coffee." I sat down at the island and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.


I saw my white horse running amongst darker colored horses. "Ghost." I yelled his name. He stopped running and looked over at me. I smiled at him, "come here Ghost." He turned and booked it towards me.

I petted his soft face. Tears of joy streamed down my face. I asked uncle John if he could get me Ghost halter. When uncle John came back he had a treat and my halter. I slipped the halter on the halter and feed him the treat.

When we got back to the barn Logan was up and feeding all the horses. I put Ghost on cross ties and got some grooming brushes. I used a magic brush to get threw all of his matted and dirt hair.

"I think that's the best that horse has looked in a good while!" Logan came from behind me and wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my head. "Is no one taking care of my boy!" I giggled and went back to brushing Ghost.

"Let ride I'll help you tack up Ghost and you can ride." "Seriously let's go!" I put the brushes up and grabbed Ghost tack I bought when I was last down here.

When Elli and Ghost were all tacked up we headed out on a trail. We were to be back at lunch time. The trail was beautiful. The trees covered us most of the way. There was a point where there were just flowers.

We got to a river and Logan suggestion was to get in it. "No I'm still in my pjs and I don't know how Ghost will do." "Oh please." "No Logan I'm going back it's all ready 10:30." I turned Ghost around and walked him back threw The way we came. "Fine but we're coming back later." I laughed and continued on home.


Alright guys I'm so sad the story is almost over! But I have news I'm writing a new book and y'all are going to like it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This story has a total of 519 words.

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