Chapter 17

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2 weeks later.

Logan's P.O.V

I watched uncle John lung Ghost around with the saddle. Ghost had calmed down and was getting used to the saddle. It was day 3 with saddle training and he was already doing good.

"Logan get in here." John yelled at me. I put my phone down leaving Nicole on read. "What do you need." I shut the gate behind me walking to John. "I'm gonna bring Ghost in soon and I want you to get on him and just sit there but you have to be able to get right on top of him. No just standing on one side." "Alright."

John brought in Ghost and let him cool down. "Alright hope on." John still held the lung line. I put my foot in the stirrup and grabbed the horn. I jumped once and swung over the saddle and onto Ghost back. He started to walk but John held him in place.

I smiled and patted his neck. "Good boy Ghost." I sat in the saddle a while before John made Ghost walk on the lung line. He walked funny at first but got used to the weight. His walk was smooth and gentle. It was kinda scary from a horse his size. He'd gotten bigger as we continued to work with him.

I rode Ghost for another hour before John said to untack him and put him up. I switched his leads to his black and black halter. When I got to the barn I looked at all the horses. They were now all saddle broke except for Elli who's only a year and a half old. Ghost has been much more trouble than the rest. I finished untacking him and feed all the horses.


I changed out of my clothes walked over to the bathroom. I turned on my music before I got into the shower. The warm water hit my body and sent shivers down. I shampooed my hair and washed my body. When I was finished I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out to my closet.

I put on some jeans and a t-shirt and layed out on my bed and texted Nicole.

Hey sorry I didn't reply earlier I was riding Ghost.


Yeah he's so nice to ride and he's gotten so much bigger. You should come down soon and ride!❤️☺️

Haha! Yeah I should I'll talk to my mom. I got to go my mom has dinner ready!

Tell your mom I said hi.

Will do.

I put my phone up on the charge. I wasn't hungry. I couldn't stop thinking about Nicole. How much I miss her.

I cleared my thoughts and shuffled under the covers. I hope she can come down again.


New Years special. I'm posting a chapter for New Years and then next Sunday like always! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This story has a total of 496 words.

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