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A young mother with short bob cut hair called. Her 3-year old son was wearing a blue jacket and red beanie. The young boy was running around, enjoying the many people walking at the airport.

Upon hearing his mother's voice, the young boy stopped running and looked at his mother. "Mama!"

The mother quickly picked up the boy and pinched his nose. "You naughty boy! I told you not to run too far from mama."

Fai smiled sweetly and placed his hands on his mother's cold cheek. "So cold, Mama!"

She smiled and hugged the boy closer. "Is it? Here let mama hug you."

The young boy giggled upon getting squeeze. "Mama! Nooo!"


The young mother turned and looked behind her son. "QingHe, what took you so long?"

QingHe walked faster and handed the tickets to Shancai.

Shancai put down Fai and received the tickets. She checked the names and placed them in her bag.

QingHe picked up Fai and worriedly looked at Shancai. "Are you sure you'll be okay? I really want to come with you both. It won't be easy to look after a baby and yourself while you're busy working."

Shancai smiled and patted QingHe's arms. "I'll be fine. Don't worry!"

"Are you? It's London, Shancai." QingHe stated sadly. "I know you have bad memories of London."

Shancai stared at QingHe and smiled softly. "They were not all bad." She gently touched Fai's head. "London gave me Fai."

QingHe's expression changed playful. "Actually, it's Da-"

"Don't." Shancai stopped him. "I don't wanna hear his name, QingHe."

QingHe looked away shyly. "Sorry."

"Unkie Qine! No cry!" Fai started pulling QingHe's hair.

"Ow! Not to hard, Fai!"

Shancai laughed. She gently pulled Fai's fingers aways from her friend's hair and took the boy. "Stop that Fai! You'll turn Uncle QingHe bald!"

The boy giggled and tried to reach at QingHe's hair again.

"You can go now, QingHe. LiZen will be worried if you'll be late at your dinner appointment." Shancai said.

QingHe nodded. "You promised to come back before our wedding, right?"

She nodded. "It's just a 2-week trip. I'll be back before you know it." Shancai tightened her hold to Fai and looked at the boy's face. "Are you ready, Fai?"

The young boy excitedly nodded and waved his two arms. "Yeah!"

Shancai laughed. His son and his loud antics. He always makes her smile. "We'll be going now, QingHe. See you in 2 weeks."

QingHe nodded and watched the mother and son walk away. "See you both in 2 weeks. Have a safe trip, Shancai, Fai!

"Bu-bye Unkie QiNe!" Fai cheerfully waved his hands. "BUH-BYE!"

As the two fade in the crowd, QingHe sighed and prayed that the 2-week business trip won't be too hard for Shancai. London will be much colder than Shanghai this time of the year.



"What is this?" DaomingSi frowned and glared at the papers in front of him.

The Accounting Head swallowed and bowed. "Forgive us Chairman Daoming. Our department made a mistake on the calculation. We really thought that the lost won't be too great."

DaomingSi stood up and threw the papers on the floor. "If apology would be enough, why do we still have rules?!"

"Sir! Forgive us, we promise to rectify this before the start of the next quarter. Please give us another chance." He begged.

DaomingSi sighed and sat back down on his chair. "Fine. One chance." He slowly turned his head and glared at the man. "If you fail, I'll dissolve your whole team."

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!"

"Leave." DaomingSi ordered.

DaomingSi watched the man quickyly picked up the thrown papers and rushed out of the room.

Upon the closing of the door, he sighed, leaned back at his chair, closing his eyes.

His mind was still busy thinking about the mistake his employee did. His mother won't be pleased once she sees the report about it.

He tried to relax and let his mind think about the only face that calms him.

Her dark hair, her dark brown eyes, her sweet smile...

"Wow! You're amazing, DaomingSi!"

He smiled upon imagining her spoken words 4 years ago.

He didn't stop himself from thinking about her. In these moments when his eyes were closed and remembering her. These moments were his. They were theirs...and he would exchange a thousand days, just to stay in these memories.

A few knocks on his door snapped him out of his daydreaming.

"Come in."

His secretary stepped inside the room and bowed. "Sir."

"Has she arrived?"

The secretary looked up and nodded. "Yes sir, the airplane landed at noon and they're on their way to their hotel."

DaomingSi frowned. "They? Didn't you tell that she would be travelling alone?"

"She's with a boy, sir." She answered.

"A boy?"

"The record says, that Ms Dong will be arriving with her son, Dong Xin Fai." She explained.

"Son?!" DaomingSi couldn't believe his ears. He stood up and put his coat on. His mind was going crazy. Son? She was gone for years. Untraceable and unseen, then years later after he had finally found her, she has a son?

DaomingSi glared at his secretary as he began giving his orders. "I want everything about this boy reported to me by tomorrow. Every, single, thing."

"Yes sir." The secretary bowed and left the room.

DaomingSi's frown deepened and crossed his arms. "DongShancai...what have you been doing all these years?"


End of Prologue

A/N: Yo! Sorry I had to post this. This plot had been running in my head for days. Hope someone liked it. Please read and review!

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