Ch 11: Dream

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[Chapter 11: Dream]


"Marry me." DaomingSi demanded.

XiaoYu gasped and covered her mouth.

Seeing her blank stare, DaomingSi started to feel irritated and pulled Shancai's hands harder. "Hey!" He yelled.

Shancai's eyes squinted and pulled her hands out of his hold. "What are you blabbering about, you fool!" She retorted. "Marry you? And what?"

DaomingSi pushed Lei off his seat to be able to face Shancai. "I can protect you better if we're together!" He answered agitatedly.

Shancai didn't meet his gaze and just stared at the space in front of her.

DaomingSi sighed and tightly held one of her hands, his frustration is apparent on his face. "Shancai, you have to trust me. I'm the only one who can protect you both. I know my mother better than anyone else." 

Shancai sighed and turned her head to meet DaomingSi's eyes. "I trust you, DaomingSi." She said. "But the last thing I want is for my son to grow up in a family which favors power over people." She explained.

DaomingSi swallowed and slowly let go of her hand. "What do you want me to do?" He asked.

Shancai got off her seat. "Tell her to stay the hell away from my son." She uttered and walked out of the room.

XiaoYu worriedly looked at DaomingSi and then to Shancai's retreating back. She quickly stood up and followed her. "Shancai! Wait!"

DaomingSi was left staring at his clenched fist.

He is once again stuck in a place where he didn't know where to turn.

Ximen and Meizuo exchanged glances then worriedly looked at DaomingSi.

Lei took the seat that Shancai left and stared at DaomingSi. "What are you going to do, AhSi?" He asked.

DaomingSi slowly raised his head and looked at Lei. "What I'm thinking right now will not make me a good son." He answered with an sinister smile.

Lei stared at him for a few more seconds before looking away and staring at the space in front of him. "Hard choices are sometimes necessary." 

Ximen nodded. "If you're planning to go against aunt Feng, you would need all the help you can get." He picked up Shancai's empty wineglass and slolwly moved it from side to side. "Do you understand what I mean, AhSi?"

DaomingSi nodded slowly.

The only two families that can rival the Daoming Group.

"The He Clan...and the Tian." Lei said out loud.


"Shancai!" XiaoYu called.

Shancai stopped and met her friend's worried gaze.

XiaoYu ran faster and quickly held Shancai's hands. "Shancai! Please don't go."

Shancai smiled bitterly and took a shaking breath.

XiaoYu's eyes widened and watched Shancai's eyes started to tear up. "Shancai..." She whispered, slowly embracing Shancai. "Shancai, don't cry." She consoled.

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