Ch 4 : Foreshadowing

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Chapter 4: Foreshadowing


XiaoYu's Apartment, Shanghai;

Lei stepped in the living room after hanging his coat at the foyer. He quietly looked around the small apartment and tried to figure out if Ximen has arrived.

He hasn't.

"Good evening, Lei!" XiaoYu greeted from the kitchen. Her hands are still covered in soap.

Lei looked at XiaoYu and nodded. He walked towards the sofa and sat down.

XiaoYu smiled. Watching Lei moves around her house always makes her feel like she got a cat for a visitor. "You can turn on the TV if you want. Ximen told me that he has to stay for a little bit more at the office."

Lei shook his head. "'s fine."

XiaoYu nodded and went back to the kitchen to continue washing the dishes.

Lei busied himself at surveying the place. It wasn't the first time that he went to XiaoYu's house. Ximen had invited him once or twice before. Both times, Ximen was already there to welcome him, today, he could closely see the details of the small apartment.

XiaoYu loves pink. He could see the color everywhere. The tapestry hanging behind the television set. The book-stand on the coffee table and many more pink colored things.

Shancai's house was more colorful. He thought.

He blinked slowly upon seeing the photos placed at the side table.

One is of Ximen and XiaoYu's. Others are probably her family and one...with Shancai.

XiaoYu were one of the people that Shancai chose to leave. She was one of the most hurt on the night when Shancai sent a video to everyone, begging them to let her go.



XiaoYu weakly leaned on Ximen.

After weeks of no contact, Shancai sent her a private message, with nothing but a password to access a video saved online.

She knew it won't be good news, which made her call her boyfriend and his friends Meizuo and Lei. DaomingSi was nowhere to be found. Some news on TV said that the Daoming Heir was busy preparing for his wedding with the He's family's daughter.

She didn't care.

She hated DaomingSi. If only he didn't turned his back on her friend, if only he decided to stay and leave his family, Shancai would still be with them.

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