Ch 8: Hope

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[Chapter 8: Hope]


DaomingSi was standing close to them. He was about to touch the boy when the boy suddenly speak up.

"Who you?" Fai turned around and questioningly looked at his mother. "Mama's fwend?"

Shancai raised her head and blankly stared straight at DaomingSi's eyes. Her right hand unconsciously moving to gently push Fai's head deeper to her neck.

DaomingSi felt it. Shancai's cool gaze, her hands trying to hide the boy's face. "What-"

"You may leave." Shancai uttered.

DaomingSi's brows furrowed. "-are you doing?" He asked. Confusion apparent in his voice.

Before Shancai could answer, Fai started pulling his body away from her. "Fai!" Shancai scolded.

But the boy started kicking and it was becoming difficult to hold him. Shancai had no choice but to put him down. Her eyes widened when her son slowly turned around and looked at DaomingSi.

Biting his thumb, his little legs wobbling. The boy suddenly reached his arms up towards the man.

DaomingSi swallowed. His breathing hitched.

"UP!" Fai demanded.

DaomingSi slowly reached for the boy. He could feel his hands shaking.

DaomingSi nervously held the boy in his arms. Staring softly at his wide eyes. Breathing slowly. Inhaling his sweet scent.

This small human is a part of him. A part of Shancai.

"Xin..Fai." He said slowly. Feeling each syllables rolled in his tongue.

How could a little boy affect him this much? Someone that he had just met, but felt like he has known forever.

Fai nodded and his little fingers started touching DaomingSi's left earring. The sparkle enticed the child.

Shancai was speechless. She could feel her tears threatening to fall once again.

This is DaomingSi. The only man she had ever trusted with her heart. Holding her son. 'Their son.' For the first time.

Fai lost interest with his earring and started reaching for his hair.

DaomingSi winced at the pull and moved his head away from the boy's reach.

Fai pouted. Unhappy with the rejection.

DaomingSi smiled. Even his pout seems familiar.

"Who you?" Fai asked. Eyes wide with curiosity.

"I'm-" He wanted to say the truth, if only Shancai's eyes were not on him.

Shancai shook her head slowly.

He understands.

He took a deep breath and smiled at boy. "I'm your mother's friend." He stated.

Fai nodded and smiled. "AHZELEI!" He yelled excitedly. Remembering his mother's words when she introduced Lei earlier that day.

DaomingSi chuckled. "No." He gently said. Shaking his head. "I'm AhSi."

Fai's head curiously moved from one side to another. "AHH-si." He repeated.

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