Ch 18: Entwine

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DaomingSi chuckled and let go of her hand, leaning back to his chair. "Shancai, listen."

Shancai's pout faded and met DaomingSi's eyes.

Since they left the court, till they reached this café, Shancai just noticed how his eyes looked dimmed and darker than usual. "What is it, DaomingSi?" She asked.

DaomingSi smiled gently and spoke.

His next words were unexpected.

"Let's go our separate ways."



[Chapter 18: Entwine]


Shancai's brows furrowed in confusion, "I'm sorry?" She inquired.

DaomingSi looked away and scratch his nose. "Aiyoo, I'm sure you heard me." He teased without meeting Shancai's eyes.

Shancai's frown deepened. She crossed her arms and pinned a glare at DaomingSi. "What are you saying?"

DaomingSi clasped his hands on top of the table. "This is the only way that I can guarantee your happiness."

"What?" Shancai repeated. "After all the things you did, you want us to go our separate ways. Have you gone crazy, DaomingSi?" She asked.

DaomingSi looked up and finally met Shancai's eyes. His expression made Shancai's frown slowly vanish.

DaomingSi smiled ruefully and began speaking, "I remember your words, Shancai."

Shancai waited.

"Loving me breaks you. It's hard to love me." He continued, he smirked and looked away again. "I know that, I'm still a Daoming. It won't matter even if I choose to leave my family, I will always be a Daoming...and we are all not easy to love." He felt his lips tightened and once again met Shancai's eyes. "I don't want to be the cause of your tears anymore. I'm letting you go because that's the only way I can think of to not have a repeat of this recent event, Shancai." He finished.

Shancai's face was blank; she was just staring at the man in front of her.

DaomingSi's smile is still in place and decided to continue speaking when he noticed that Shancai won't be answering anytime soon. "I've planned everything. I bought a property in London and I placed it under you and our son's name. I've also set aside half of my assets for the two of you. You may choose to live here in China or in London. I've calculated everything; all of these would give me the peace of mind that you two would be able to live a comfortable life. You don't have to see me anymore..."

He paused and swallowed. He felt his throat tightening. His next words would finalize everything. "...the only thing I would wish from you is to accept this, Shancai. You owe me this. I don't want to live the rest of my life thinking if I have given you enough..."

"...please?" He pleaded.

Shancai's expression finally change, she uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, staring straight at DaomingSi's eyes. "What about the other half?" She asked.

"Huh?" Daomingsi uttered.

Shancai smiled. "You said that you're giving half of your asset to me and Fai, how about the other half?" She repeated.

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