Ch 15: Broken

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[Chapter 15: Broken]


DaoMing Mansion, Shanghai;

DaoMingZhuang quickly pushed the study room's door open. "MA!" She shouted towards the woman sitting on the chair in the middle of the room.

DaomingFeng calmly watched her daughter walked fast towards her. Her face was red and furious.

"Ma! Are you crazy?! Are you kidnapping children now?!" Zhuang couldn't control her anger. Her body was shivering in all the emotions she was feeling.

DaomingFeng's head shifted a bit and met her daughter's angry gaze. "What are you doing here, Zhuang? Aren't you busy with your business tour?"

"Yeah, the business tour you manipulated so I could miss this evil plan of yours!" She stepped closer and placed her hands on top of the desk in front of her mother. "Stop this now, Ma! Don't push AhSi to the limit!"

DaomingFeng smirked. "Your brother has no idea what's happening."

"And you think you can keep this from him forever?!" Zhuang retorted. "Shancai is XinFai's mother! How could you separate them?! What's your plan?! Just give up, Ma! Give AhSi and Shancai the happiness they deserve!"

DaomingFeng stood up and walked to stare straight at Zhuang's eyes. "And then what? Could she help AhSi? She will just be a hindrance. TianYe adores her for reasons I don't understand. The only way that I could secure our family's future is if I remove AhSi in the scene, corner Shancai, make her helpless and then everything will be fine." She explained. "Chairman Tian will let me have XinFai as the next heir and a guarantee that they will never go against our family. Isn't that the best choice?"

Zhuang's eyes widened in expected of her mother's perfect practical mind; Sacrifice Shancai. Gain Tian Group's trust. Keep XinFai. How perfect. "H-How about AhSi?" She asked. She could feel her heart tightened in her every word.

"AhSi will learn soon enough that Shancai is not the woman for him." DaomingFeng answered. "I will find him a match that can help him head the Daoming Group."

"Ma..." Zhuang spoke. "AhSi will never accept it."

DaomingFeng crossed her arms. "It doesn't matter."


Lei's house; Shanghai;

"NO!" Shancai shouted and pushed Lei away from her.

Lei was holding her down on the bed as she continued to push the man off her.

Lei brought her back to his house as soon as she lost consciousness. Meizuo had to meet Ximen to think of a way out of their current problem.

"Shancai! Please stop!" Lei begged and tried harder to stop Shancai from leaving the bed.

Shancai's body was shaking. Her tears are flowing non-stop. "Lei...please...I need...Fai."

Lei's eyes sadly focused on the woman's face. "Shancai, I'm sorry."

Shancai let the man gently push her down back on the bed. She let her eyes wander around the room. It was the same room where Fai and she stayed the last time they were here.

"We're trying to contact AhSi."

She heard him say.

'AhSi.' Her mind repeated.

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